Uncheck simulate daytime in kstars settings -> guides.


When you run sudo apt update do you see that it checks out ppa url?


INDI 1.9.7 is old. Try update to latest one. If you have latest KStars with old INDI there can be additional bugs as they are quite tightly coupled.


Install libgmock-dev


Try delete build-indi-3rdparty directory and run again. Seems like initial configuration failed for some reason. If that doesn't help delete all build-* directories.


nou replied to the topic 'Ubuntu 24.04 lts' in the forum. 5 months ago

You mean compilation with my script? Bookwork should work just fine.

Also tested my script on Ubuntu 24.04 server in virtual machine and it is working fine. There are some cmake warning but otherwise it is ok. Could not run it because GUI doesn't work in my virtual machine so only compilation test.


nou replied to the topic 'Ubuntu 24.04 lts' in the forum. 5 months ago

I would wait at least a month or two until they flesh out worst bugs in system itself.


nou replied to the topic 'Timekeeping in INDI and KStars' in the forum. 5 months ago

Here is merge request


nou replied to the topic 'Timekeeping in INDI and KStars' in the forum. 5 months ago

This is oversight from time when KStars was only planetarium so you wanted to have clock with ability to go forward and backward. For some reason they keep using this simulated clock withing Ekos too. Probably because it give you ability to run automatic tests where you can set predetermined date and time and run some sequence.

I started to work on option that will lock KStars clock to system clock. So if you set NTP or GPS synchronisation you should never see this issue again.


nou replied to the topic 'Timekeeping in INDI and KStars' in the forum. 5 months ago

How fast this drift happens? I looked at code and there SimClock class that seems to handle timekeeping. It use monotonic clock which means when it start it make store current time as startTime and how many milliseconds that monotonic clock show. Then it return time as startTime + elapsedTime from monotonic clock. As far I can tell there should be no accumulation error. Monotonic clock are not affected by change of system time. That mean KStars doesn't reflect on change of system clock.

So only disrepancy between KStars time and real time should come from drift in that monotonic clock. I wrote simple testing program that output difference between monotonic and system clock. Monotonic clock is running 10ms/hour faster than system clock.

Also I let run KStars for few hours and didn't observe any drift between kstars clock and system clock. So that 18 hours drift most likely mean some faulty hardware clock. Because 18 hours drift even over one month period means it drift 90 second per hour. I am pretty sure someone would notice such huge drift.


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