So back to KStars 3.7.0 / Indi 2.0.7 and the Sky-Watcher AZGTi in ALT/AZ driver indoors under cloudy skies at the moment. I have the SkyMax 127 with WO Binoviewers and their 20mm 60° APOV eyepieces giving a FOV of around 0.79°. I set time to 23:00 tonight and set a GoTo using C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan-ATLAS). With the Tracking turned On the mount moves a few times too quickly for the rotation of the Earth so that the target star appears to drift East to the edge of the FOV in around 45 seconds. However, if I repeat the GoTo but quickly turn the Tracking Off, the Commet drifts West and reaches the edge of the FOV in around 90 seconds. So it appears that I will need to request a fresh GoTo and then turn of Tracking to benefit from twice the observation time! It reminds me of nudging a Dobsonian, although hopefully with the benefit and speed of object finding that Platesolving should bring!


Sorry to reopen a semi-closed thread, but for the first time I am attempting to use my AZGTi in ALT/AZ wired mode. I started this week with a new installation of KStars 3.7.1 / Indi 2.0.8. Immediately found a bug which showed as two scope positions simultaneously on opposite sides of the globe. The first quick workaround I found was just to return to KStars 3.7.0 / Indi 2.0.7. But then I found the drift issue discribed in this thread. I am not intending to use the rig for imaging, but visual observing with a SkyMax 127 with binoviewers, and the main plan is precision GoTo support with platesolving from a guidescope/camera as the Ekos primary optical chain. But in indoor tests I see the telescope pointing drifts quite quickly away from the GoTo object and in the Indi Control Panel tracking doesn't behave as I would have expected.
Aside from the KStars 3.7.1 related bug, is anyone still trying to get to the bottom and solve this issue?


I hadn't attempted to use my AZGTi in this way until yesterday when I also upgraded to KStars 3.7.1 So I presumed that the anomolous behaviour of the AZGTi in ALT/AZ wired mode would have been consistent with earlier versions of the software. After many experiments, I happened to revert to KStars 3.7.0, and Eureka! only a single mount appeared on the star map, and mount movements were as I would have expected. So I guess a bug has been introduced in 3.7.1 or Indi 2.0.8.


Well I have had some more time to experiment.... for the moment I am sticking with the normal AZGTi motor firmware (Left hand telescope position) and have found some interesting features (Bugs). Firstly there are two mount positions shown on the KStars map in Park positon. So, as these two screenshots show, the telescope is simultaneously pointing North and South....


I have plenty of positive experience with using an AZGTi in EQ mode with KStars/Ekos/Indi for imaging over several years. Recently I have been experimenting with, and really enjoying, visual observing of the Moon using a 127mm Maksutov with binoviewers mounted on an AZGTi in ALT/AZ mode. I have begun by driving the AZGTi directly with standard 'Left Hand' motor firmware controlled from SynScan Pro on my laptop. I would much rather use KStars and Ekos, to allow me to use a small guide telescope and astrocamera (ASI585MC) to align the the Maksutov using plate solving. I have been messing about with using the mount driver 'AZGTi in ALT/AZ wired' mode. First question - should I change the motor firmware to the Right Hand EQ/AZ file? With the present arrangement, parking the scope leaves it pointing upwards at about 45° and upside down on the right side of the mount, although the mount position is shown on the star map as level with the horizon and pointing South. Thanhelpful experience you can share!


Hi John, yes that’s exactly what I do, but the step size defaults back to zero…


I’m generally enjoying very good results from Linear 1-Pass autofocus on various scopes (Newtonian, Maksutov-Cassegrain, and Refractors) using the ZWO EAF. I also have a joystick, set up to use a couple of buttons for focus-in and focus-out steps. The Indi Control Panel step setting is always set to zero when I start Ekos, so the buttons do nothing until I change the step setting from zero. It would be great if this new value should be stored for the next session.


  • Basic Information

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  • Birthdate
    20. 05. 1950
  • About me
    Amateur astronomer, retired electronic engineer