Sorry to reopen a semi-closed thread, but for the first time I am attempting to use my AZGTi in ALT/AZ wired mode. I started this week with a new installation of KStars 3.7.1 / Indi 2.0.8. Immediately found a bug which showed as two scope positions simultaneously on opposite sides of the globe. The first quick workaround I found was just to return to KStars 3.7.0 / Indi 2.0.7. But then I found the drift issue discribed in this thread. I am not intending to use the rig for imaging, but visual observing with a SkyMax 127 with binoviewers, and the main plan is precision GoTo support with platesolving from a guidescope/camera as the Ekos primary optical chain. But in indoor tests I see the telescope pointing drifts quite quickly away from the GoTo object and in the Indi Control Panel tracking doesn't behave as I would have expected.
Aside from the KStars 3.7.1 related bug, is anyone still trying to get to the bottom and solve this issue?