I have plenty of positive experience with using an AZGTi in EQ mode with KStars/Ekos/Indi for imaging over several years. Recently I have been experimenting with, and really enjoying, visual observing of the Moon using a 127mm Maksutov with binoviewers mounted on an AZGTi in ALT/AZ mode. I have begun by driving the AZGTi directly with standard 'Left Hand' motor firmware controlled from SynScan Pro on my laptop. I would much rather use KStars and Ekos, to allow me to use a small guide telescope and astrocamera (ASI585MC) to align the the Maksutov using plate solving. I have been messing about with using the mount driver 'AZGTi in ALT/AZ wired' mode. First question - should I change the motor firmware to the Right Hand EQ/AZ file? With the present arrangement, parking the scope leaves it pointing upwards at about 45° and upside down on the right side of the mount, although the mount position is shown on the star map as level with the horizon and pointing South. Thanhelpful experience you can share!