Yes that should be fine. The change was merged yesterday at 15:28 BST so a nightly build that started after that time should pick up the change (maybe pick up today's nightly build whenever that happens).


Hi Magnus,

I don't use Stellarmate but I *believe* there's a way to get bleeding edge on it. Probably best to post on the Stellarmate Discord channel as there are plenty of folks on there who know about these things and the channel is quite active.

On the bad Fits header info, I'm afraid I don't know anything about this. Probably best to do a new thread and hopefully someone who knows this area can pick it up.


Hi Dan,

I've been tracking down an issue recently that sounds very much like this one. The problem I've been having is that I can't reproduce the issue on the Simulators but a couple of folks have reported scheduler hanging on their equipment.

Anyway, I merged what I hope is a fix yesterday, so if you able to build from source, if you build the latest kstars, hopefully the issue is fixed. If you still get the error can you post up a log with verbose Align, Capture, Scheduler & Focus set and I'll do some more investigation.



Hi Magnus,

I merged a fix for this yesterday. If you are able to build from source could you pull the latest and give it a go?

The issue I have with this is that I can't replicate the problem on the sims so I don't really know if I've fixed the exact issue you've been getting, but hopefully, I have.



Hi Magnus,

Could you share how you've got your filters configured (maybe a screenshot of Filter Settings) and how Align uses filters, e.g. do you always Align with a specific filter or use the current filter.




Great, I'll be interested to hear how you get on.


Hi Keith,

I was just playing around with some of your data as there was something that was bothering me when I first looked that I didn't get to the bottom of, which is why you were getting zero stars with the Default Convolution parameter (which I've never seen before). The reason is that StellarSolver is getting a deblending error. I don't know exactly why at the moment, I suspect it's a bug and if I had to guess, it's probably related to the size of the sensor.

Anyway, you don't really need deblending for Focusing so if you disable it (set Thresh = 1) then I think it will work well. This is an example of your focus data (not using SEP) on my test system - solves quite well using SEP. I've taken some of the other restrictions like number stars off as I have a fast enough machine to process this, as well as the 10 pixels max star size and ellipse constraint...

I'd also recommend using "Refine Curve Fit".


Yes the blue circle/donut will be redrawn on each frame so you can adjust it and take a single frame and see in on screen.

I think it will be fine for targets in the centre where the only detail out to the edges will be stars as these can be dealt with in post processing. For bigger targets (like nebulae) that extend to the edges then you will loose detail at the edges of the frame (as they won't be in as sharp focus as the centre) but then if its looks OK no problem, or you can crop.


Hi Keith,

I can see you don't have a flat field to the edges of the sensor (from your frames) and as your camera has a very big sensor the stars on the edges will likely focus at quite a different position to the centre of the sensor. You could run Aberration Inspector but it will likely only tell you that you don't have a flat field (which you already know).

You can apply a ring mask in Focus...

So, if for example your target covers just the centre of the sensor then if you have a ring covering this area then this would mean you have the best focus on the target. If your target covers more of the sensor then you will have to compromise on focus as best focus will change the further from the sensor's centre you go.

To get best advantage from your camera you probably need a field flattener. Although post processing techniques like BlurXterminator (if you use PixInsight) will make your corner stars round, you won't be able to get all of your sensor in focus at the same point.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    07. 03. 1966
  • About me
    I am starting DSO astrophotography with my Macbook Pro. My rig is:
    SkyWatcher Esprit 100ED Pro
    SkyWatcher EQ6-R Pro
    ZWO ASI 1600mm Pro
    ZWO L,R,G,B,Sii,Oiii,Ha Filters
    ZWO ASI224mc