It is new in this version. You can also click an icon above the skymap to toggle "simulate daytime" (it is 7th from the right on your screenshot).
Once you toggle it off, it will be remembered and stay off until you turn it back on.



Can you share your full verbose log file (with all Ekos modules checked)?
It's hard to diagnose anything without it.
Please also share your .esq and .esl files.

It's interesting that your screenshot shows: "starting Ekos".
I just watched my scheduler startup, and that only stayed on the screen for a second or so.

FWIW, this is what was in my log file around the time of Ekos starting up:

[2024-06-04T22:20:39.383 PDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - "Greedy Scheduler scheduling next job ngc5905 at 22:20"
[2024-06-04T22:20:40.336 PDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - "Checking Startup State (0)..."
[2024-06-04T22:20:40.336 PDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - Startup Idle. Starting startup process...
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.287 PDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - EKOS state changed from 0 to 1
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.287 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - Ekos communication status is 0 Starting Ekos...
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.324 PDT DEBG ][ default] - bool QCustomPlot::removeItem(QCPAbstractItem*) item not in list: 93825546968208
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.327 PDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Resetting Ekos Manager...
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.447 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Starting INDI services..."
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.593 PDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - Scheduler Ekos status is 1
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.617 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "INDI services started on port 7,624."
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.625 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Ekos received a new device: "Rainbow Astro RSF"
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.696 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Ekos received a new device: "AstroPhysics V2"
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.714 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Ekos received a new device: "WatchDog"
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.716 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Ekos received a new device: "ZWO CCD asi1600-imager"
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.734 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Ekos received a new device: "ZWO CCD asi1600-guider"
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.736 PDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - Scheduler Ekos status is 2
[2024-06-04T22:20:41.852 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Ekos received a new device: "ZWO EFW"
[2024-06-04T22:20:42.228 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Connecting INDI devices..."
[2024-06-04T22:20:42.278 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "WatchDog" is connected and ready.
[2024-06-04T22:20:42.295 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - AstroPhysics V2 : "[INFO] Computing PARK1 position... "
[2024-06-04T22:20:42.295 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - AstroPhysics V2 : "[INFO] Set predefined park position 1 to az=359.100000 alt=0.000000 "
[2024-06-04T22:20:42.295 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - AstroPhysics V2 : "[INFO] Driver's config 'Unpark From ?' is set to Last Parked "
[2024-06-04T22:20:42.296 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - AstroPhysics V2 : "[INFO] ApInitialize, parked. "
[2024-06-04T22:20:42.296 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - AstroPhysics V2 : "[INFO] Mount is parked. "
[2024-06-04T22:20:42.296 PDT INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.scheduler] - "Ekos started."


As you discovered, subframing (like Capture) and masking (like Focus) have not been implemented for the internal Guider. Don't know if they're implemented in PHD2--you might want to research that.

If that doesn't work then you might try playing with some of the parameters in the SEP,
you can find some description of them in the KStars Handbook:
Of course, you'd change them for the guiding profile you're using.



Hy Murveit replied to the topic 'Scheduler didn't start' in the forum. 4 months ago

I tried to test this in the simulator on my dev machine.
- I assumed the geography was central Europe
- I removed the terrain constraint (I have no idea what your terrain constraints are and mine conflicted)
- I set the date to your screenshot, looked ok, then advanced to a couple minutes before the startup
- I hit play in the scheduler
- I got the following on my screen--the red is my addition--(admittedly the dome isn't simulated--not sure how to do that)

2024-05-27T02:14:15 Job 'Ate2' has not been processed upon scheduler stop, marking aborted.
2024-05-27T02:14:15 Job 'Ate1' has not been processed upon scheduler stop, marking aborted.
2024-05-27T02:14:15 Job 'Pointing' has not been processed upon scheduler stop, marking aborted.
2024-05-27T02:14:14 Manual startup procedure terminated due to errors.
2024-05-27T02:14:14 Dome unpark requested but no domes detected.
2024-05-27T02:14:14 INDI devices disconnected.
2024-05-27T02:14:14 Ekos stopped.
2024-05-27T02:14:13 Dome unpark required but dome is not yet ready.
2024-05-27T02:14:13 Warning: dome device not ready after timeout, attempting to recover...
2024-05-27T02:14:12 Dome unpark required but dome is not yet ready.

I then removed the 'unpark dome' and 'park dome' checks from the first job and tried again.
Now it started the first job.

2024-05-27T02:19:59 Job 'Pointing' is capturing and plate solving.
2024-05-27T02:19:59 Job 'Pointing' slew is complete.
2024-05-27T02:19:58 Job 'Pointing' is slewing to target.
2024-05-27T02:19:56 Greedy Scheduler plan for the next 48 hours starting Mon May 27 02:19:56 2024 (0.007)s:
2024-05-27T02:19:56 Pointing 05/27 02:19 --> 02:21 job completion
2024-05-27T02:19:56 Ate1 05/27 02:44 --> 02:45 job completion
2024-05-27T02:19:56 Ate2 05/27 03:05 --> 03:06 job completion

So, are you sure you have the dome constraint set up properly (or do you have a dome at all and should you make sure those are unchecked)?


Hy Murveit replied to the topic 'Scheduler didn't start' in the forum. 4 months ago

Please attach your .esq and .esl files.
Also, if you have a log file from the failed run, please send that along too.


Hy Murveit replied to the topic ' site outage' in the forum. 4 months ago

I don't know the details, but my understanding is that there was a bot-based denial of service attack on the site starting Friday or Saturday that brought the site down for several days until Jasem worked with the hosting provider to bring the site back up, I believe sometime yesterday.


Hy Murveit replied to the topic 'Plate Solving Woes' in the forum. 4 months ago


If you "check the box" (I assume you mean the "Use Scale" box) please make sure that the scale given is the correct scale. That is, if the "Units" box is set to app (which means arcseconds-per-pixel) then the "Low" and "High" boxes above it should be a bit below and a bit above your telescope/camera's actual arcseconds-per-pixel value. Make sure that auto-update is also checked, so the next time it plate-solves successfully, it automatically puts the solved value in there.



I just took a look. It seems that there is some confusion in the code between the dawn offset you are setting, and another (old) parameter called "Pre-dawn" which is in the same options menu several rows above "dawn offset".

I'm not sure whether Pre-dawn is something that should be removed from the code or not, it predates me, but I'll think about it. In the mean time, I believe that if you set Pre-dawn to 0, you will get the performance you desire.



For at least my focuser, and likely many others, the "position" that's tracked really means the position of the stepper motor that turns the mechanical focuser. It does not mean the position of the mechanical focuser. (I suppose it's possible to keep track of that with optical sensors etc, but that's likely not being done.) So, if you detach the clutch and manually turn the mechanical focuser, I believe you are right that INDI/Ekos and the focuser controller itself lose track of the mechanical focuser position. However, if you use a focuser controller's user interface to step the focuser, then I would hope that the focuser controller (and INDI/Ekos) could keep track.


Interesting project. I have not attempted to use the scheduler for satellites, however I can say that the start and end times should correspond to the constraints set up for imaging. It likely is using a fixed RA/DEC coordinate, and tracking that across the sky. It is looking at other constraints you may have configured such as altitude and twilight. It is considering the imaging sequence you have chosen, eg how many exposures you requested and at what duration. The start time is sampled every minute or two and the end time is an estimate of how long the imaging might take, including focus times, download times, etc.


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