JuergenN replied to the topic 'QHY Drivers' in the forum. 4 months ago

Since you are using Kstars 3.6.0 I assume you are running Astroberry. This is outdated and not supported anymore. 3.6.0 is more than 2 years old, so I think the drivers are too old.

Try Stellarmate ar AstroArch indilib.org/forum/astro-arch/14536-kstar...h/100059.html#100059


Thanks for your reply. At the moment I'm running with startup conditions "on" and "repeat until". That works but I have to deselect the twilight constrained. I will test with "dawn offset" 0 tomorrow, would be more comfortable if that works.

One question: would it be possible to set the dip of the sun below horizon (would be helpfull especially in the summertime) So just set maybe 17° or 15° and the twilight is set accordingly? Maybe a feature for the future?


I just tested it with my home PC (Opensuse 15.5, Kstars 3.7.0 INDI 2.0.7 from download.opensuse.org/repositories/Appli...trophotography/15.5/ )

Same behaviour. The twilight is changed but the schduler stops like there is no dawn offset!


I tried it on my linux PC (KStars 3.7.0): same behaviour.
I tried also to set "repeat until", but to get that end date work, I have to unselect the twilight constrained. If I do that ist starts ASAP until the end time. BUT if I set Startup "On" time the greedy scheduler is EMPTY! The "nest start" in the scheduler list tells me the time I set, but Greedy tells me: empty schedule. Only the mount is unparked. nothing more... Status keeps on "scheduled"....


Hi all,
due to the short nights in summer I take pictures until the sun reached 15° under horizon. To get that I change the dusk and dawn offset. In yesterdays session I changed dawn offset to +0.5h. In the scheduler tab the twilight changed from 23:19 - 03:17 to 23:19 - 03:44. So in principle Kstars/Ekos get the change.

But when starting the scheduler, it tells me that due to twilight it will only take pictures until 03:14! There is no other constrained that causes that (the object is very high, altitude obove 70°, my horizon is lower)

Screenshot and schedule is attached.

What can I do to change this?

File Attachment:

File Name: NGC590508_12Zoll_rot-90.esl.zip
File Size: 1 KB


Short update from last night: I put more weight on the mirror side of the Newtonian. After that, the guiding calibration worked far better and the problem with guiding after focusing was also solved :-)


Alfred, Hy, thank you for your comments. So I will try the next time to adjust balancing and will try the guide limits.

One last question: when calibrating there are movements in RA "in" and "out", also for DEC there is "in" and "out". Can someone tell me, which is north/south or east/west? I'm asking, because I used this in PHD2 to adjust balancing. In my case the DEC "in" movement was a little bit unnormal (thats why I think its a balancing issue). This would help for adjusting weight in the right direction. PHD2 tells you if the movement is south or north...


Polar alignment was according to PHD2logviewer 3' or 0.3' depending on the side pier, so not that bad. Guiding itself was between 0.5" rms and 0.9", depending on seeing that night.

If I think further about the issue, perhaps 0.3' is too good and/or backlash maybe the problem. If the weather is ok tonight, I will change balancing a bit. And I will have a look on the "max response" value, but it should be on default value.

And you are right, it should be no problem for the mount to get it back.


Hi Alfred,
thank you for the comment. I'm aware of that setting. The problem was, that the settling took nearly the whole 300s of the image. I had set the aggresivity of RA and DEC to I think 60 or 70% so it took a while to get the guide stars back to where Kstars thought they should be :-(


Hi all,
last night I encountered the following problem:

I set in the scheduler focusing after every 60 minutes. Focusing worked fine, but the guiding star moved some arc seconds during the focusing procedure, but was still in the green square. This leads to the problem, that after restart guiding and subsequent starting of the new image the guider tried to get the guiding star at the "right" position. This leads to elongated stars (and therefore bad pictures) after every focusing run! I'm guiding with OAG, so last night I had a focal length of 1500mm.

Would it be possible to handle guiding after focusing the same as after dithering? After dithering the "delta" of the guiding star is set to zero if I'm correct.

My rig: EQ8-R, 12" F5 Newton, Guiding with OAG, Kstars 3.6.9, INDI 2.0.6

Thanks a lot.



JuergenN replied to the topic 'Number of saturated pixels' in the forum. 6 months ago

I'm running 3.6.9, but that feature was implemented way earlier, at least last year.


JuergenN replied to the topic 'Number of saturated pixels' in the forum. 6 months ago

I think this is already implemented:


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