Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Download version 1.8.2' in the forum. 3 months ago

I personally don't use PHD2 so I can't respond to any questions about it. I just use the internal guide functions from KStars native.

AS for the capture, have you tried new cables?
Have you tried hooking the ASI1660MC up to a Windows desktop and seeing if it will perform a 1s capture using the ZWO software?
The EAF should not be having anything to do with the time it takes your system to capture a frame.

Honestly... when I have issues like this I just copy my capture data off to external media and then blow out a new image of whatever version I want to use. I have 1.7.7, 1.7.8, 1.7.9, 1.8.1 and 1.8.2 kept on my computer and a thumb drive in case I want to install one of the older ones. Which reminds me.. I probably need to go ahead and download 1.8.3 also to add to the group.


Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Download version 1.8.2' in the forum. 4 months ago

AFAIK, there is no downgrade path other than saving your settings and any captures to external media and then doing a re-install.
If you have having hardware issues, I would encourage you to submit a ticket at the StellarMate site so that Jasem and company can check it out. I had a similar issue not to long ago on an upgrade and the Pegasus Falcon rotator. Jasem was able to remote in and find the issue and get the fix in the pipeline for release (not to mention fixing it on my unit itself).
It's one reason I've gotten really hesitant to run any updates once I have a stable system. Generally there are no issues, but invariably for me they show up when least wanted.


For those that go hunting for it.
It is in your EKOS panel under your mount information.
I could not find it until I actually had a valid profile loaded.


OK, in 2.7.1 it apparently has moved.
I submitted a ticket over on StellarMate (since that is what I use instead of a self-rolled system) and he responded that it was now in the Ekos Mount tab.
I have't had a chance to use the rigs due to weather since the upgrade (and actually for weeks before that) and so really could not fully investigate that easily.
Looking through the simulator setup nothing jumped out at me.


Just upgraded to 3.7.1 stable on an StellarMate X update on two different (actually 3) mini PCs.

The screen where it used to be all look like this for the INDI settings.

The RPi4 running 3.7.1 Stable also is the same.

It used to be like this


Tracy Perry created a new topic ' KStars date/time gone or moved?' in the forum. 4 months ago

In older versions, you could select how KStars obtained the date/time, which you could define for GPS to update.
You went to the Settings -> Configure KStars -> INDI

Now, that option is no longer there. Is KStars automagically using GPS if you have GPSD or similar configured as a device?
I have spent over an hour looking for this setting to see if it h as been moved, but unless I overlooked it, it is no longer there.
How do you specify now which option(s) KStars should use.


Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Lynds Catalog of Bright Nebulae' in the forum. 4 months ago

Going to be a mapping issue. Right now we don't have any internet and I was running off a generator when that was being done (extension cord ran to computer).
I'll look at it again. That was from the data that was provided in this link. Also I'm having to work off cell phone WiFi on multiple computers so it's a little slow.
Thanks for letting me know.


Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Lynds Catalog of Bright Nebulae' in the forum. 4 months ago

Give it a try again. I'm having to redo the reset of them to. Apparently when I was using the DB editor, it corrupted something in the format.
This one is a direct export out of the DB. I verified that it worked after removing it from my catalog listing and then adding it back.
Let me know if it doesn't.


Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Lynds Catalog of Bright Nebulae' in the forum. 4 months ago

The only thing I can think of is that the DB is password protected... but that should have only been from edits.
I'll check it again and if that's what it is I'll unlock it.


Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Lynds Catalog of Bright Nebulae' in the forum. 4 months ago

Apparently one of my staff (he's learning to run his own site also) got to "tweaking" my permissions for guests thinking he was on his site.
The guest download ability has been switched back to what it was.
That's why I have had it as guests can download. I host a few files (like PIPP) that are direct download, but I would rather not have people just join to download a file but to participate on the site.
You should be able to download it now.


Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Lynds Catalog of Bright Nebulae' in the forum. 4 months ago

See if this works. I think I got everything mapped to where it should be.


Tracy Perry replied to the topic 'Lynds Catalog of Bright Nebulae' in the forum. 4 months ago

This worked fine for me.

I'm assuming you went through the process of creating a catalog (and inputting the data), then selecting the More button and import from CSV and choosing Select/Read?


Tracy Perry replied to the topic ' site outage' in the forum. 4 months ago

Just a note. Linking to a Stellarmate ticket on their site will do no good, even for others that are licensed of StellarMate (OS or device) users there. That ticket is specific to your account. ;)
And yeah, if Jasem can't get it, it's pretty much assured (especially after this latest down period that was due to more than a routing issue) there is a hosting provider problem.
I don't know who they host with, nor the type of hosting that is provided (shared, VPS or dedicated server). I've ran into similar issues with one hosting provider in the past. And when I ran into it and they could not get it fixed in a reasonable amount of time, I already had a backup VPS instance up and running and waiting just in case that was what turned out.
That's why I keep regular backups and can have my site up and running in another hosting environment in about 2 hours of work at a comfortable pace. If I want to rush, I can do it in about 30-45 minutes- the longest part being extracting the files from the archive into the new site then importing the SQL database.


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    05. 09. 1963
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