Ron M replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

I reported this in earlier posts. I got the same error installing the 3.6.8 beta and 3.7.

After telling settings security, to open it, I 'got around it' with 3.7 by dragging 3.7 'to the desktop' instead of in the Mac applications folder. No idea why that works. Then found all the INDI drivers in the Kstars MacOS directory were 'corrupt' - I presume it copied in from the beta version so deleted all in the directory and reinstalled 3.7 - Sonoma on M1 Mac. It was all part of 'the disaster' of 3.8.9 beta, but now 3.7 seems to work.


Ron M replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

As an 'interim' workaround, would it be possible to put up an older pre-3.6.9 and 3.7 version that we could download and reinstall so that we have 'something' that works? thanks.


I found the Mac OS directory which contains the INDI drivers (links?) probably copied from the beta version was 'bad' as could not read them in Mac terminal w/o getting a damaged error msg. from the Mac Os. I deleted the directory and reinstalled 3.7 stable. I then connected a Canon 6D and it seemed to work fine and I could 'trip' the shutter w/o crashing Kstars. But when i tested it out in my observatory tonite, hoping to test with mount and other componets connected I coud try some long exp. imaging, 3.7 connected and ran the mount 'normally' and INDI panel said it connected to my Canon M50 (mod.'d astro-cam)) it was not recognized byt the EKOS Cam module which only shows "Primary" in the upper panel where it should have the camera M50 name as it has for 2 yrs I've been using it. When I cliked the preview shot button 3.7 crashed immediately I tried a couple of other ways to turn on or reconnect after closing and restarting Kstars but go the same result every time. Something is very wrong between EKOS and INDI in 3.7. I'm pretty much done with this as have not been able to image for a couple months. And will be moving on to other software options for imaging and running my scope. I hope we'll see a fix and truly stable Kstars comes along someday.


Ron M replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Just tried out Kstars 3.7 w/ re-loaded Mac OS Inidi driver directory, per previos post, but this time in my observatory with mount and focuser also connected.. Disgusted to say, it again is crashes 3.7 immediately when the Canon M50 is fired in the camera module. It opens fine, connects to mount and M50 in INDI, window but does not recognized in the Camera module and when the 'shutter' is fired Kstars crashes. Running on an M1 Macbook Air with Sonoma. Apparently something is very wrong in EKOS with communicating w/ the
INDI drivers.


Ron M replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

I *think* I've fixed the indi-canon driver causing Kstars-Mac- 3.7 to crash. In checking the other drivers in the Mac OS directory they all got an Apple error as bad, and needed to be 'trashed.' So i finally 'believed' the warning from Apple.

I presume problems in the INDI drivers (links?) in Mac OS Directory, came from the 3.6.9 beta version when this problem seems to have started and the INDI contents were simply copied into the install of 3.7 and not replaced.

I deleted the entire directory and re-installed Kstars 3.7 (putting it on the desktop instead of the App directory) and Kstars now connects to my Canon 6D and operates the shutter normally w/o crashing 3.7. Won't be able to check the plate solving problem I had on an older version until dark, but *it should* work...

One thing to note is that on starting EKOs connections a 'new' message box appears asking if you would allow server connections? But the msg. box appears behind the INDI and EKOS windows, so if you don't know its popped up you won't clik yes to allow the (I presume INDI) server connection. This happens with several other 'warnings' and messages, like do you really want to goto the Sun if solar observing? Mount won't move until you find that msg. and hit yes. And of course the mount control box always is hidden until you move other open windows and clik on it. Always been a real annoyance to have to go 'looking for' for them!


Ron M replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Thanks for your post... I will not the last version in which the indi-Canon and gphoto I find 'normal' (no error) in the Mac directory is v. 3.5.3 - and it operates the camera normally. Although plate solving has been failing to solve for some weeks.


Kstars 3.7 stable immediately crashes when Canon cam is triggered. There is no ISO or cam recognized in the camera module. Apparently due to corrupt or missing ccd-indi-driver according to error messages and found in the Mac INDI directory. errors screen captured and attached. I"ve postred about this before. Same problem was found in beta 3.7.8 version for months. Advice on how to correct this or update that corrects this needed asap or I'll be leaving Kstars behind.


Ron M replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

just getting round to trying 3.7 Kstars, MBA M1 w/ Sonoma 13.3.1 Found an install problem - after going 'around' the security and found it would crash on opening if I loaded it in the Application directory. But if I found if I dragged the Kstars dmg icon to the desk top it would open and connect to my mount, camera etc., I could 'run' the mount (daytime is only chance I've had to check) as previous... but when i try taking a test image with the Canon M50 mirrorless it crashes immediately.

I noticed the camera module did not display an ISO setting of the camera as noting was in that 'button' to change ISO. I tried reset the driver, a couple times and continued to just crash the whole Kstars. There is a pages long error log which I could cope and post. This is the same problem I had with the Beta version. So could be a problem with the libraw driver, although it had worked fine in previous stable versions. Since this has put me out of 'business' for months since the beta version and now "stable" both crash immediately, Sadly, I'm also on the verge of giving up on Kstrs for Mac.


Thanks for your comments.. I was a 'very early adopter' of The Sky since the first Mac version in the early 90's. and I knew a couple of the Bisque brothers and was friends with some of the 'staff' as they and the shop are only 25 or miles from me And yeah, after the The Sky X and Pro came out I had a lot of trouble with Bisque 'customer support' after one friend in support had left and then it got really expensive. So I never 'adopted' the full pro version once they went subscription route and support got almost non-existant unless your had a Paramount . So I 'gave it up.'

About then Kstars came along and has been great - mostly. But lately seems to be 'overcome' by so many changes to the Mac OS X. I'm now missing at least 2 weeks worth of comet imaging - one of my main interests - and all I can do is x-fingers and hope Jasem or some 'expert' here pics up on these posts of problems us regular 'users' are having. I'll be off- for the eclipse for a couple weeks or more, so will see if something 'good' happens during the month. If not, then it'll be likely time to move on.


I'm replying just to 2nd your questions on a Kstars stable or the beta release. I had been using 3.6.9 -beta? (whats on the download page,) and it had been working on my M1 Mac Air, and Monterey. Kstars download page is dated April 1 for apparenlty for a stable release date.

But after a 'hiatus' of months due to weather and upgrade to Sonoma, when trying to use it last week, to image Comet 12P, (under Sonoma) Kstars would immediately crash when I tried to take a frame with my Canon DSLR. In an older MBP Intel , it also did not work and would put up an indi-canon-driver crashed error message -buried behind several EKOS and INDI windows. So both are completely unusable and I'm shut down for any imaging with Kstars.

If there is not a new stable release soon, that works, as others I know have, I am going to have to abandon Kstars for another software that works and is updated correctly. Its been mostly great, but if I'm far more interested in doing 'astronomy' than fiddling with code.


I got a reply to my request to add the R8 to libgphoto2 It will be in the next version. Hopefully then it can be added to INDI in a Kstars update.

"R8 will be directly in the next release 2.5.32, but in general it should already work as-is due to the
generic support."

It does not currently 'work in general' , other than my M1 recognized something is plugged into the USB-C port.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    28. 04. 1951
  • About me
    amateur astronomer, retired