Ron M replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

I *think* I've fixed the indi-canon driver causing Kstars-Mac- 3.7 to crash. In checking the other drivers in the Mac OS directory they all got an Apple error as bad, and needed to be 'trashed.' So i finally 'believed' the warning from Apple.

I presume problems in the INDI drivers (links?) in Mac OS Directory, came from the 3.6.9 beta version when this problem seems to have started and the INDI contents were simply copied into the install of 3.7 and not replaced.

I deleted the entire directory and re-installed Kstars 3.7 (putting it on the desktop instead of the App directory) and Kstars now connects to my Canon 6D and operates the shutter normally w/o crashing 3.7. Won't be able to check the plate solving problem I had on an older version until dark, but *it should* work...

One thing to note is that on starting EKOs connections a 'new' message box appears asking if you would allow server connections? But the msg. box appears behind the INDI and EKOS windows, so if you don't know its popped up you won't clik yes to allow the (I presume INDI) server connection. This happens with several other 'warnings' and messages, like do you really want to goto the Sun if solar observing? Mount won't move until you find that msg. and hit yes. And of course the mount control box always is hidden until you move other open windows and clik on it. Always been a real annoyance to have to go 'looking for' for them!