Before I reassemble the NVME hat on the pi, why would this power problem only occur with an SSD card and not the SD card?


I wish I could.
I wonder if it’s the NVME board, the SSD card, or perhaps it’s overheating.


Look at the log from the latest Stellarmate with KStars 3.7.1 shows this error:

[2024-06-06T10:37:33.773 MDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2024-06-06T16:37:33: Driver indi_nexdome: indi_nexdome XML error: Line 4: Bogus tag char /"
[2024-06-06T10:37:33.773 MDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2024-06-06T16:37:33: Driver indi_nexdome: indi_nexdome XML error: Line 2: Bogus tag char /"
[2024-06-06T10:37:33.773 MDT DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - INDI Server: "2024-06-06T16:37:33: Driver indi_nexdome: indi_nexdome dispatch error: defNumber requires 'device' attribute"

Is this why it won’t connect to the shutter?


I just updated to the new version of Stellarmate OS with KStars 3.7.1.
Now the Nexdome shutter fails to connect.
I put the older version of Stellarmate OS back in my Pi5 and the shutter connects fine,
Log Attached.

File Attachment:

File Name: log_10-37-19.txt
File Size: 85 KB


I was testing the scheduler tonight with a two panel mosaic.
All went well, and EKOS rotated my camera properly, aligned, and focused the camera.
But then it started guiding without calibrating the guider. A message stated it was calibrating, but then immediately said complete and started trying to guide.
It appeared EKOS thought the previous calibration was OK, even though it had just rotated my camera and so no, it wasn't.
Isn't there a mechanism to reset the guider calibration after a camera rotation?


Well, I have tried for two weeks without success. As long as I boot from the SD card, all is fine.
It's been connected to my home network now for two days.
But when I remove the SD card and install the NVMe Hat and boot from an SSD card (I tried two different brands) I loose all network connections after 12 hours of being idle.

If I connect a keyboard and monitor, I can still use the Pi but the network is greyout out. I have to reboot.
So using the NVMe card to boot is unusable as a remote INDI server (Stellarmate). Unless I want to log in every 11 hours or so and keep the connection active. I'm just going back to the standard SD card.

PS: I am using this NVMe hat:


My iOptron CEM120 EC2 works well, but there is one ongoing issue that I can work around.
Each time that INDI is started the mount does not indicate if the mount pier-side is EASt or WEST. It just gives no info.
This means when I first start up, if I turn on dome slewing, the Nexdome rotates to 90 degrees.

Once I slew the scope to any position, the pier-side is given and the dome slews properly.

It just means my startup procedure requires that I slew the scope somewhere, anywhere, in order to generate a valid pier-side value.


Both. All networking stopped after 12 hours.
I tried for over a week. Nothing I did would stop the disconnect after a long idle.
Once I removed the NVME card this whole issue stopped.


In the observatory panel, there is a selector drop-down menu for the source of weather data when more than one source is detected.
It doesn't do anything.
Here's two screen shots showing the two sources, but the weather items and data do not swap out when I change sources.


I’m using Stellarmate OS. This would be something Jasem would have to look into.


I removed the SSD card and NVME hat and now the networking disconnect issue is gone.


Apparently it's using an SSD card with NVME hat that causes the networking disconnect after 12 hours. I removed the SSD card and booted from the old SD card and the system stays connected.


Thanks Keith. I got it installed and running well - except now the Ethernet connection disconnects after 12 hours of idle. That is, it works great all night, but after 12 hours in the day the network connection dies. It doesn’t do this with the standard SD card.


I have a new raspberry Pi5 with Stellermate OS installed.
I also have a MacMini near it. Both are connected to my home network via Ethernet,

After I stop using the Stellermate Pi for several hours (like in the day after a god night imaging) the Pi disconnects the Ethernet, I have to reboot to get it back.
However, the Mac on the same network and right next to the Pi never losses the connection.
I swapped out ethernet lines and it made no difference. The Mac stays connected 24/7. The Pi loses it.

Note that after booting, the connection will stay on all night s long as I am using it. No issues with KStars all night and controlled from my home.
But a few hours after quitting KStars for the night, I have to reboot to get the connectional again.

Any ideas?


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    05. 04. 1961
  • About me
    I am a retired USAF and U.S. Foreign Service officer in New Mexico, USA.