Spartacus replied to the topic 'Cooling Off ASI1600' in the forum. 5 months ago

Hi All,

I have just created (today) a new setup of Kstars/indi/ekos and have run into the same problem with cooling of my ASI294MCpro not being available. I have tried a number of different OS on the raspberry pi4 and all are similarly afflicted in this version. Here is a list of the observed behaviour.
- The main 294 indi panel does not display any cooling power percentage. The field is completely missing
- The recorded temperature in the indi gui remains at 0.00 (this is not sensing temp at all)
- When I try to set a new target temp in indi this results in no transfer of the set temp to the saved section and when "set" is pressed it actually takes the figure on the Max dT (c/min) section and converts this to a set temp in the verbose debug line at the bottom. However nothing does get set in actuality
- also trying to set new parameters in the control section of the indi camera gui seems to save, in that the info does change on "setting", to the saved area in the gui but this information is subsequently lost and reverts to defaults on restarting the driver despite saving the config in the options section
- in the ekos camera gui all the cooling info is greyed out.

I am currently using Ubuntu Mate 22.04 newly configured with the latest stable Kstars/indi/ekos. I have tried the nightly with no change in behaviour.

This is not a hardware problem as I am using a slightly older Raspian based setup which shows the cooling and the driver and camera behave as expected.

Hope this helps to sort the problem.

Let me know if logs would help.




Spartacus replied to the topic 'Ekos 3.6 no guiding calibration' in the forum. 2 years ago

Just thought that I would contribute my experiences with a similar problem with my iOptron CEM40. Initially I noticed a periodic error in guiding with a deterioration every 750 secs. I suspected the belts so tightened up the tension but the problem persisted. Next the calibration started to fail with similar issues to those described here. I could still get away with guiding but later the calibration failure was what forced me to take the belts off and closely inspect them. They looked perfect from outside but on inspection some of the teeth were flattened and the fibres of the reinforcing were starting to fray. The mount is about 18 month old with medium use and no pier strikes etc.
I sourced a replacement belt locally (not an ioptron one but these belts are standard ones) and everything now works perfectly.
I also did firmware updates when the problems started but the only thing that made a difference was replacing the belt. So I think that Jasem's comment about considering hardware/mechanical causes is appropriate.
I was suprised that the belts would need replacing after such a short time but maybe they are a weak point in these mounts and will need replacing regularly. The replacement process is pretty simple and are illustrated in pdfs available on request from ioptron and I think you can find them though some of the US and UK astronomy forums.




Spartacus replied to the topic 'KStars 3.6.0 release' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Juan,

This recent post describes the process in detail.



Hi Damian,

GSC is the package that allows the use of simulators in kstars. If you don't use simulators for testing you don't need it.



Hi Patrick,
If you use a handbox in your setup I think that your preferred parking position is listed as one of the selectable positions in the handbox.
Try using the handbox to set this position while you are connected to ekos then set this position as "current" in the indi mount tab site management tab and save the position in site management.
Save the config in the mount options tab then close everything down then reboot and see if the position is remembered.
When setting up for any future sessions (make sure that the mount is in this position before powering up.

Hopefully that should work



Hi Patrick,

I have a CEM40 and have not noticed any calibration problems like you mention (I have been using the latest indi upgrade with modification to the ASI driver :) . A quick experiment to see if it is related to indi updates is to see if PhD2 shows the same problem. I suspect that it may be mount related. I have had some recent guiding issues related to sudden and repeated loss of guide star SNR. This was related to loss if image from the guide camera which was being routed through the mount USB. Routing through the main camera USB hub resolved the problem.



Hi Ron,

Check out this video (the section on setting up vnc under ubuntu is timestamped). This approach works for me.
If you are using two machines you could potentially use vnc on one and no machine on the other.



Hi Eric,

I have the CEM40 and would emphasise the need to tighten the alignment locking hex bolts. Do this after you have finished the adjustments but while the view is still refreshing. As you tighten the bolts do this in increments on either side rather than tightening up all at once on one side as you will see a shift in the polar alignment. Slow incremental tightening on the alt and az bolt should ensure that this can be excluded from the reasons that your mount is not guiding as well. You need to tighten the bolts quite a bit to ensure no movement with this mount.

I am using an OAG with a F6 refractor but your C9.25 is much longer than that so I would stick to OAG for guiding. The ipolar on the CEM40 is OK to polar align with but I have never used it as such and always do PA on the main scope. As Andrew says, the longer FL of the C9.25 may be an issue with PA as well. In which case try the ipolar :).

I routinely get 0.5-0.7 with the CEM40 using the EKOS internal guider . Don't forget to turn off PEC in the indi mount panel and handbox(if you use it) as this will interfere with guiding.

Hope this helps



Hi Max,
Have you tried guiding with PhD2 as if the behaviour is replicated it suggests a mount issue although unlikely.
I have not had a problem since changing to one pulse dithering and keeping aggression down in RA.
I have noticed recently that star detection generally (in focusing, solving and guiding) is significantly adversely affected by binning. I have never noticed this before. I tried 2X binning with the ASI120mm and a pop up said that this was not supported. I am pretty sure that this has not been the case previously.
Luckily removing binning in solving and focusing modules has restored normal star detection behaviour.



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    17. 06. 1959
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    New to AP, Visual for 20 yrs
    Love EKOS when it works
    Enjoy the challenge when it doesn't