Spartacus replied to the topic 'Cooling Off ASI1600' in the forum. 5 months ago

Hi All,

I have just created (today) a new setup of Kstars/indi/ekos and have run into the same problem with cooling of my ASI294MCpro not being available. I have tried a number of different OS on the raspberry pi4 and all are similarly afflicted in this version. Here is a list of the observed behaviour.
- The main 294 indi panel does not display any cooling power percentage. The field is completely missing
- The recorded temperature in the indi gui remains at 0.00 (this is not sensing temp at all)
- When I try to set a new target temp in indi this results in no transfer of the set temp to the saved section and when "set" is pressed it actually takes the figure on the Max dT (c/min) section and converts this to a set temp in the verbose debug line at the bottom. However nothing does get set in actuality
- also trying to set new parameters in the control section of the indi camera gui seems to save, in that the info does change on "setting", to the saved area in the gui but this information is subsequently lost and reverts to defaults on restarting the driver despite saving the config in the options section
- in the ekos camera gui all the cooling info is greyed out.

I am currently using Ubuntu Mate 22.04 newly configured with the latest stable Kstars/indi/ekos. I have tried the nightly with no change in behaviour.

This is not a hardware problem as I am using a slightly older Raspian based setup which shows the cooling and the driver and camera behave as expected.

Hope this helps to sort the problem.

Let me know if logs would help.

