Arnaud replied to the topic 'Scheduler stopped too early !' in the forum. 5 months ago

Sorry's probably it's so obvious...I search in scheduler, indi ....but not there.

My proposal : in the scheduler log should appear why it's aborting.

Thanks Michael.


Arnaud created a new topic ' Scheduler stop too early !' in the forum. 5 months ago

Hi all,
i'm enjoying the rare clear sky nights to try the scheduler, that looked always a little bit tricky function. I tried to start with a quite difficult plan : Messier Marathon, so i have a long list of jobs. I let algorythm to chose the best target.
My problem is : my scheduler stop every night jobs at 3:00 (GMT+2). Twilight is about at 5:15...
I can't find a reason ...and it's quite accurate ...03:00 not 03:05 nor 02:58 ...

Here it is some logs from two nights.(some problems on M84 guidance, but i don't think it's the reason of stop.
Thanks for your help.


scheduler options : see attachment
scheduler log of the 21th of april : see attachment

scheduler log of the 20th of april :

2024-04-20T03:00:35 Job 'M 105' has not been processed upon scheduler stop, marking aborted.
2024-04-20T03:00:35 Job 'M 48' has not been processed upon scheduler stop, marking aborted.
2024-04-20T03:00:35 Job 'M 52' has not been processed upon scheduler stop, marking aborted.
2024-04-20T03:00:25 Job 'M 63' is guiding, guiding procedure will be restarted in 10 seconds.
2024-04-20T03:00:25 Warning: job 'M 63' calibration failed.
2024-04-20T03:00:14 Starting guiding procedure for M 63 ...
2024-04-20T03:00:06 Job 'M 63' is guiding, guiding procedure will be restarted in 5 seconds.
2024-04-20T03:00:06 Warning: job 'M 63' calibration failed.
2024-04-20T03:00:00 Starting guiding procedure for M 63 ...
2024-04-20T03:00:00 Job 'M 63' is capturing, is restarting its guiding procedure (attempt #1 of 5).
2024-04-20T03:00:00 Warning: job 'M 63' failed to capture target.
2024-04-20T02:54:32 Job 'M 63' capture is in progress...
2024-04-20T02:54:32 Job 'M 63' guiding is in progress.
2024-04-20T02:52:19 Starting guiding procedure for M 63 ...
2024-04-20T02:52:18 Job 'M 63' repositioning is complete.
2024-04-20T02:52:17 Job 'M 63' alignment is complete.
2024-04-20T02:51:47 Job 'M 63' is capturing and plate solving.
2024-04-20T02:51:45 Job 'M 63' slew is complete.
2024-04-20T02:51:26 Job 'M 63' is slewing to target.
2024-04-20T02:51:18 Greedy Scheduler plan for the next 48 hours starting sam. avr. 20 02:51:18 2024 (0.504)s:
2024-04-20T02:51:18 M 63      	04/20  02:51 --> 03:01 	job completion
2024-04-20T02:51:18 M 51      	04/20  03:02 --> 03:12 	job completion
2024-04-20T02:51:18 M 85      	04/20  03:13 --> 03:25 	job completion


Arnaud replied to the topic 'Latest 3.6.8 Flat Bug? Hangs' in the forum. 7 months ago

it seems that opening then closing the telescope cap (snap cap driver) activate the capture...even if it was already close...
Looks like an initialisation bug or something this kind...


Arnaud replied to the topic 'Latest 3.6.8 Flat Bug? Hangs' in the forum. 7 months ago

Thanks for the screenshot. I confirm i don't have access to the menu "filter". This error is unpredictable, didn't understood yet what was trigerring it. Yesterday it was working, now it's not...In this example i try just to take Dark..i don't care about focusing...


Arnaud replied to the topic 'Latest 3.6.8 Flat Bug? Hangs' in the forum. 7 months ago

Hi, i don't use filters, so that's probably why i don't see this option in the ekos "capture" module ?

Best regards.


Arnaud replied to the topic 'Home vs Park postion ?' in the forum. 7 months ago

still bothered by this problem. It seems the Mount, and/or Ekos/Kstars ? is mixing beetwen Park/Home position. My telescope is parked horizontaly.
This procedure found on stellarmate FAQ solve temporary the problem :
- If the mount is not already unparked, unpark it (click the green flag in the toolbar).
- Go to Ekos Mount tab, and click on Purge all configuration. This will clear all settings related to the mount. ekos purge mount config
- Disconnect and Stop Ekos.
- Power off the mount.
- For equatorial mounts, if the mount is not pointed at the celestial pole with the weights down, adjust it manually until you reach this position. For Alt-Azimuth mounts, make sure the mount is in its home position.
- Power on the mount.
- Start the Ekos equipment profile again.
- define a new park position.

I do a new anlignement, and it works well, i can use the Goto whish is accurate and reliable.
But when i switch off Kstars/Ekos and power off mount, in 90% of cases, i lost all alignement, if i try to "goto" the mount aiming a wrong position (aiming the floor or opposite direction) i redo alignement and goto works localy around my target.

Any idea is welcome :-) i would be happy to use all Ekos automatic functions.



Arnaud replied to the topic 'Latest 3.6.8 Flat Bug? Hangs' in the forum. 7 months ago

Hi, have sometimes the same situation my camera refusing to capture..capture status just displaying "preparing..." . No obvious root cause in logs ...or
Restarting power and Kstars is not always enough to retrieve a fully operational capture module.
Effective on 3.6.9 and previous.


Hi all,
developping a new driving for my roof top controlled by my domotic server IPX800, how can i call a function, just after saved configuration file is loaded ?
i don't understand which function i should override.

I also tried to call it at the end of iinit_proproperties, or in constructor but it's too early for my needs.
Thanks for yourhelp.


Arnaud replied to the topic 'MQTT publisher for INDI' in the forum. 10 months ago

compilation 2.0.4 is not working :-/
So i gave up the installation on rapsbian...and used another computer under Ubuntu...and indi-mqtt works perfectly ...
So the problem was the version of indilib...
Thanks for your help.


Arnaud replied to the topic 'MQTT publisher for INDI' in the forum. 10 months ago

ok. thanks.
so this evening i will try to install by myself the 2.0.4, then retry.


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