To be more precise I should have said it rotates past the 30 degree point where it should stop. I have never let it go further than about 120 degrees before i abandon and hit stop. In fact, now, before starting PA, I rotate the scope to the west using the mount control and then park and unpark before initiating PA. I had I similar problem of PA stopping when I had an Ioptron cem26 mount but I cannot remember what I did to get around it.


I have a similar problem with an Avalon mount. My system takes the first photo and then rotates towards the second position but does not stop. The workaround for me is to stop PA and park the mount. Starting PA a second time then works as expected. I have no idea what is going on.


Hi everyone
System is Stellarmate OS 1.8.1 running on an rpi4 and using VNC to access from Macbook. First, I would like to say everything is working and I am getting good results. My concerns are with interpreting aspects of the analyze tab. Last night I was taking 30 sec. exposures with dithering every 5 exposures(one pulse dither). In the screenshot it can be seen that at dither, sometimes, but not always, movement can be seen in the ra or dec directions. These movements are not seen in the guide graph in the analyze tab by the way.Question is, why are these movements in RA or dec not seen at each dither in the analyze graph. In the red rms curve why are these movements taken into consideration to calculate rms values since guiding is actually suspended during dither. Any help would be appreciated.



Michael Evans replied to the topic 'Scheduler stopped too early !' in the forum. 5 months ago

I am not sure this is the problem but in the mount tab there is a field 'Park at' and in version 1.8.1 of stellarmateOS which I am using, this was set at 3am. Before running the scheduler I set this to 6am and have not had a problem with scheduler. However I did not run the scheduler with the 3am setting so can not be sure that this would cause your problem.



Yes,that worked. Thanks again.


Hi Alan
Thanks for the quick response.I downloaded the realvnc viewer for my macbook air which is the controlling device. I opened the viewer and entered stellarmate.local:6080 and after a couple of seconds contemplation i get the message "The connection closed unexpectedly". I also tried the url of my system with the same response. I even went through the rigmarole of opening an account with realvnc but still no luck. Novnc works fine with the url I used. There must be something else I am missing, but what?


I have just been trying to download realvncviewer with no success. MyRPI4 is headless so I accessed using novnc and the web browser in Stellarmate0s. When the site opens it is greyed out and does not respond to requests to download the vnc viewer. It seems the site does not like being accessed via another vnc. Does this mean I have to buy a keyboard and monitor for the RPI4, or is there a workaround. Thanks for any help.


I am running Stellarmate v1.8.1 on an rpi4 and using a Macbook air and noVNC to control it. I do not use the mount control button in the mount window often but a couple of days ago I did and while a mount control tab opened in the white band at the top of the screen the window was nowhere to be found. Despite closing all windows to see if it was behind one, no luck. I got around it by using an iMac to noVNC into Kstars and found the mount control window way over to the right of its screen. Moving it to the centre and then accessing via the Macbook air solved the problem. My question is, can anyone tell me how to 'freeze' the position of a window so that it always opens in the best place on startup. Thanks for any help.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    02. 12. 1941
  • About me
    I am taking up astro photography after a lifetime of interest in things astronomical