Arnaud replied to the topic 'Home vs Park postion ?' in the forum. 7 months ago

still bothered by this problem. It seems the Mount, and/or Ekos/Kstars ? is mixing beetwen Park/Home position. My telescope is parked horizontaly.
This procedure found on stellarmate FAQ solve temporary the problem :
- If the mount is not already unparked, unpark it (click the green flag in the toolbar).
- Go to Ekos Mount tab, and click on Purge all configuration. This will clear all settings related to the mount. ekos purge mount config
- Disconnect and Stop Ekos.
- Power off the mount.
- For equatorial mounts, if the mount is not pointed at the celestial pole with the weights down, adjust it manually until you reach this position. For Alt-Azimuth mounts, make sure the mount is in its home position.
- Power on the mount.
- Start the Ekos equipment profile again.
- define a new park position.

I do a new anlignement, and it works well, i can use the Goto whish is accurate and reliable.
But when i switch off Kstars/Ekos and power off mount, in 90% of cases, i lost all alignement, if i try to "goto" the mount aiming a wrong position (aiming the floor or opposite direction) i redo alignement and goto works localy around my target.

Any idea is welcome :-) i would be happy to use all Ekos automatic functions.
