Dear Kstars/Ekos - just a small thing - I’m trying to use he camera simulators while I work through mechanical issues on my Mount - and have found that the guide camera simulator is stuck with an incorrect pixel size of 1200, rather than 5.86 which would represent my camera. Thanks if you can help.


Thanks John - I’ll try your suggestions on the next clear night. In the meantime - building on your suggestion, I checked the SEP parameters in the Focus Options Profile Editor (next to the 1-Focus Default option). I see that the SEP star selection is set be default to cut the brightest 10%, cut the dimmest 20% and cut any stars above 90% saturation. I’m going to try cutting, say, the dimmest 50%, keeping the brightest, and retaining the saturation cutoff. Just a thought - if the code then cuts an additional %, there may be a degree of overkill on whittling down the set of available stars.

I see that the guide module and the align modules retain pretty much all stars - the ‘cutoffs’ are zeroed.

Thanks again for your suggestions and help


The focussing tool is brilliant - thanks to John and the team for continuing to improve and add functions and options. However, - I have only had consistent auto focussing success with my Celestron 9.25HD SCT and Celestron focuser if I select sub-frame and manually select the star - which means that I can’t set up regular autofocus updates during the night while I’m asleep.

I find that if I select Full Field I get very inconsistent HFR, and large error bars, with flat or no hyperbolic response on the V-plot.

If I choose sub field and auto select, the single star selected is usually very faint - resulting in the same large error bars and flat or weak V-curve

If I choose sub field and manually select a reasonably bright star then everything works perfectly - it is critical to choose a reasonably bright star - not too bright because it may be clipped, and not too weak because hfr will vary randomly between focus frames

I may have missed a tick box or parameter, but the auto-focuser’s choice of the single SubFrame star seems to always be faint, with low signal/noise. Could the auto focuser be coded to select a brighter star from the field? This would result in successful auto focus outcomes every time.

Thanks for your thoughts.


Thanks Jasem - yes - you’re correct. I think it was a power issue. I have a 10Amp mains power adapter which may be failing - especially when powering a cooled camera (used to work). I switched to battery power for the Mount and everything worked great. Thanks again


Hi All - I’m seeking help regarding an error , any thoughts much appreciated - thank you

Serial read error: timeout error
Failed to read RA/DEC values

I have a new Celestron CPC 9.25HD setup (warranty replacement of the same that worked fine till it broke) on an EQ wedge
I’m running Kstars 3.6.5 stable version on an RPI4 (installed using Nou’s excellent scripts)
Have a Zwo294mcPro and 174mm guide camera on a Celestron OAG and Celestron focusser

I setup the Celestron HC as usual for EQ mode and run kstars/ekos. Location and time info is ok. The Mount, cameras and focusser all initialise ok. I can then ‘Find Telescope’ on the sky map ok and the Mount is tracking ok at this point.
If I then slew to another point in the sky the scope physically slews across ok to the new requested target. However - the kstars map doesn’t show the scope moving - and then I get error messages in the Indi message area informing that there’s a timeout error: failed to read RA/DEC values. The telescope locator on the kstars sky map remains at its original position.

Here’s a cut/paste of the debug log: I think it’s at about 12:30:16 that the Mount slews and then loses RA/DEC. It’s as is the RPI can send commands to the Mount but can’t get info back.

Thanks very much for any thoughts. Much appreciated

[2023-07-07T12:29:25.990 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/ttyUSB0 @ 9600 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.993 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Port FD 3 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.994 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.994 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Initializing Celestron using Kx CMD... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.994 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <Kx> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.998 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Received 1 bytes, expected 2 <23 00> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.047 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <Kx> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.052 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <x#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.055 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Celestron GPS is online. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.055 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Celestron GPS" Version: "3.6" Interface: 13 is connected.
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.396 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting controller version... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.397 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <V> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.397 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <05 22 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.402 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Controller version: 5.34 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting controller variant... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <v> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.403 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <11 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.403 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting controller model... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.404 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <m> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.404 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <11 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.407 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount model: CPC Deluxe "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.407 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get_model CPC Deluxe, Fork mount, has PEC, no home indexes "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.408 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting RA firmware version... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.408 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 10 FE 00 00 00 02> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.409 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <06 13 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.409 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting DEC firmware version... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.410 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 11 FE 00 00 00 02> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.410 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <06 13 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.411 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting focuser version... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.411 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Does focuser exist... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.411 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 FE 00 00 00 04> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.412 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <07 10 24 54 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.412 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Focuser Version 7.16.9300, exists true "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.413 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Firmware Info HC Ver 5.34 model CPC Deluxe NexStar Fork mount, HW Ver 6.19 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.417 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[WARNING] Mount firmware does not support getting pier side. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.417 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <t> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.417 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <02 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.418 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Celestron mount tracking, mode EQ N "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.418 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < ON_COORD_SET >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.423 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.430 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_ABORT_MOTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.433 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_TRACK_MODE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.436 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_TRACK_STATE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.440 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_MOTION_NS >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.444 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_MOTION_WE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.448 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_REVERSE_MOTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.450 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_SLEW_RATE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.453 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TARGET_EOD_COORD >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.458 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TIME_UTC >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.466 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < GEOGRAPHIC_COORD >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.474 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_PARK >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.477 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_PARK_POSITION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.483 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_PARK_OPTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.487 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < SCOPE_CONFIG_NAME >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.491 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < APPLY_SCOPE_CONFIG >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.493 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < USEJOYSTICK >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.496 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < SNOOP_JOYSTICK >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.500 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < Firmware Info >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.520 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount is unparked. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.521 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] InitPark Axis1 0.00 Axis2 0.00 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.521 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Setting Default Park Axis1 to 0.00 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.521 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Setting Default Park Axis2 to 51.23 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.524 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount is unparked. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.524 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < GUIDE_RATE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 10 47 00 00 00 01> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <80 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get_guide_rate raw response (0-255) 128 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Get Guide Rate: RA 0.501961 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 11 47 00 00 00 01> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.534 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <80 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.534 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get_guide_rate raw response (0-255) 128 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.534 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Get Guide Rate: Dec 0.501961 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.534 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_TIMED_GUIDE_NS >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.540 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_TIMED_GUIDE_WE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.548 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount supports guiding. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.548 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < CELESTRON_TRACK_MODE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.552 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <i> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.553 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <0C 1D 19 07 07 17 00 01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.553 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < DST_STATE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.558 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount UTC offset: 1.00. UTC time: 2023-07-07T11:29:25. DST: On "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.558 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <w> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.559 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <33 0D 30 00 00 14 0B 01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.559 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Mount latitude 51.2300 longitude 359.6636 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.559 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.560 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.560 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.561 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.561 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.562 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.562 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <J> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.562 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.563 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < PEC_CONTROL >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.568 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < PEC_INFO >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.573 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < PEC_LOAD >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.576 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < FOCUS_MIN >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.582 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 2C 00 00 00 08> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.623 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount] - Mount status changed from "Error" to "Tracking"
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.640 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 00 05 83 00 00 68 B0 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.640 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Focus Limits: Maximum (26800) Minimum (1411) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.647 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Focus Limits: Maximum (26800) Minimum (1411) steps. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.650 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Auxiliary focuser is connected. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.651 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < FOCUS_MOTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.655 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < REL_FOCUS_POSITION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.659 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < ABS_FOCUS_POSITION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.664 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < FOCUS_MAX >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.667 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < FOCUS_ABORT_MOTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.687 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] ISNewText name TIME_UTC, text 2023-07-07T11:29:25, names UTC, n 2 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.690 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <J> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.690 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.693 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Updating time is not necessary since mount is already aligned. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.693 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <J> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.694 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.696 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Updating location is not necessary since mount is already aligned. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.740 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Celestron GPS is online."
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.743 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Guider port from Celestron GPS is ready."
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.746 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.746 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.746 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.746 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.747 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.747 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.749 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "Error: Invalid range for Focal Length (mm) (FOCAL_LENGTH). Valid range is from 10 to 10000. Requested value is -1 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.749 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "Error: Invalid range for Focal Length (mm) (FOCAL_LENGTH). Valid range is from 10 to 10000. Requested value is -1 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.750 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "Error: Invalid range for Focal Length (mm) (FOCAL_LENGTH). Valid range is from 10 to 10000. Requested value is -1 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.750 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "Error: Invalid range for Focal Length (mm) (FOCAL_LENGTH). Valid range is from 10 to 10000. Requested value is -1 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.751 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.753 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.753 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.755 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F700,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.357 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.425 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.426 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.426 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.457 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.458 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.484 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.527 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.529 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.529 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.559 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.561 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.560 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.630 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.633 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.634 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.662 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.662 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.663 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.732 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.732 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.733 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.764 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.764 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.765 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.833 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.834 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.834 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.866 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.866 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.867 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.935 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.936 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.936 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.967 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.968 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:36.969 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.038 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.038 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.039 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.070 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.071 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.071 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.140 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F700,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.141 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.142 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.172 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.173 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.174 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.242 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.243 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.243 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.274 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.275 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.276 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.346 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.347 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.349 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.378 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.379 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.378 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.447 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.448 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.450 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.479 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.481 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.480 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.548 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.549 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.549 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.581 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.581 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.582 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.655 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.656 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.656 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.683 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.683 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.684 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.753 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.784 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.784 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.785 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.854 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.855 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.856 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.886 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.888 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.887 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.956 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.956 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.956 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.988 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.989 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:47.989 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.059 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.059 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.060 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.091 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.092 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.092 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.161 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.161 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.162 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.307 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.308 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.265 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.265 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.266 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.266 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.385 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.387 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.296 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.582 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.583 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.583 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.583 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.583 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.467 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F700,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.470 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.472 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.499 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.500 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.500 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.569 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CD00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.571 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.573 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.607 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.607 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.602 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.671 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.671 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.671 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.703 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.704 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.704 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.773 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.773 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.773 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.807 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.807 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.806 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.875 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.875 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.876 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.907 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.908 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:57.908 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:57.976 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F800,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:57.977 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:57.978 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:58.008 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:58.009 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.010 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.079 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.079 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.080 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.112 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.114 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.112 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.181 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.182 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.182 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.213 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.213 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.214 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.283 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.283 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.284 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.315 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.315 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.316 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.384 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.385 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.386 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.417 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.417 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.418 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.486 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CD00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.487 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.487 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.518 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.519 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.520 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.589 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.589 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.590 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.625 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.626 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.758 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.759 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.760 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.760 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.760 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.761 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.723 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.792 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.792 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.793 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.824 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.824 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.825 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.894 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.894 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.894 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.926 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.926 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:08.926 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:08.997 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:08.998 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:08.998 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:09.027 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:09.027 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.027 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.097 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.097 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.098 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.130 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.132 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.131 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.200 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.200 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.201 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.232 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.232 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.231 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.300 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.300 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.300 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.332 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.332 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.333 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.403 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.434 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.434 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.435 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.504 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.504 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.505 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.536 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.536 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.537 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.608 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.608 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.608 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.638 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.639 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.561 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - Target coordinates updated to JNow RA: "07h 36m 04s" DE: " 31° 50' 17\""
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.565 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ISD:Telescope sending coords RA: "07h 36m 04s" ( 7.60105 ) DE: " 31° 50' 17\"" ( 31.838 )
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.623 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Goto RA-DEC( 7:36:04,31:50:17) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.623 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <r5113F11E,16A3EDC2> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.627 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount] - Mount status changed from "Tracking" to "Slewing"
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.628 BST INFO ][] - "Mount is moving. Resetting calibration..."
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.632 BST INFO ][] - "Calibration is cleared."
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.708 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.716 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Slewing to JNOW RA 7:36:04 - DEC 31:50:17 SlewOffsetRa 0.0 arcsec "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.720 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:21.765 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:21.770 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:22.608 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount] - Mount status changed from "Slewing" to "Error"
[2023-07-07T12:30:22.761 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:27.769 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:27.772 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:28.767 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:33.775 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:33.777 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:34.774 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:39.781 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:39.784 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:40.779 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:45.788 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:45.792 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:46.786 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:51.948 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:51.952 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:52.789 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:57.795 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:57.798 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:58.792 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:03.802 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:03.808 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:04.799 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:09.804 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:09.808 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:10.802 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:15.810 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:15.813 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:16.808 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:21.814 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:21.817 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:22.813 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:27.818 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:27.821 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:28.841 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:33.822 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:33.825 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:34.821 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:39.829 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:39.833 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:40.825 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:45.833 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:45.838 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:46.829 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:51.990 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:51.995 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:52.835 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:57.843 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:57.846 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:58.841 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:32:03.849 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:32:03.852 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:32:04.848 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:32:09.855 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:32:09.858 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:32:10.854 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:32:15.862 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:32:15.866 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:32:16.860 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.464 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Disconnecting "Celestron GPS"
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.465 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Disconnecting "ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro"
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.466 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Disconnecting "ZWO CCD ASI174MM Mini"
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.467 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Disconnecting INDI devices..."
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.510 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "[INFO] Saving device configuration... "

Hi All - I’m seeking help regarding an error , any thoughts much appreciated - thank you

Serial read error: timeout error
Failed to read RA/DEC values

I have a new Celestron CPC 9.25HD setup (warranty replacement of the same that worked fine till it broke) on an EQ wedge
I’m running Kstars 3.6.5 stable version on an RPI4 (installed using Nou’s excellent scripts)
Have a Zwo294mcPro and 174mm guide camera on a Celestron OAG and Celestron focusser

I setup the Celestron HC as usual for EQ mode and run kstars/ekos. Location and time info is ok. The Mount, cameras and focusser all initialise ok. I can then ‘Find Telescope’ on the sky map ok and the Mount is tracking ok at this point.
If I then slew to another point in the sky the scope physically slews across ok to the new requested target. However - the kstars map doesn’t show the scope moving - and then I get error messages in the Indi message area informing that there’s a timeout error: failed to read RA/DEC values. The telescope locator on the kstars sky map remains at its original position.

Here’s a cut/paste of the debug log: I think it’s at about 12:30:16 that the Mount slews and then loses RA/DEC. It’s as is the RPI can send commands to the Mount but can’t get info back.

Thanks very much for any thoughts. Much appreciated

[2023-07-07T12:29:25.990 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/ttyUSB0 @ 9600 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.993 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Port FD 3 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.994 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.994 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Initializing Celestron using Kx CMD... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.994 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <Kx> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:25.998 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Received 1 bytes, expected 2 <23 00> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.047 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <Kx> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.052 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <x#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.055 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Celestron GPS is online. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.055 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Celestron GPS" Version: "3.6" Interface: 13 is connected.
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.396 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting controller version... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.397 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <V> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.397 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <05 22 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.402 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Controller version: 5.34 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting controller variant... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <v> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.403 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <11 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.403 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting controller model... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.404 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <m> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.404 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <11 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.407 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount model: CPC Deluxe "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.407 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get_model CPC Deluxe, Fork mount, has PEC, no home indexes "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.408 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting RA firmware version... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.408 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 10 FE 00 00 00 02> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.409 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <06 13 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.409 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting DEC firmware version... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.410 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 11 FE 00 00 00 02> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.410 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <06 13 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.411 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Getting focuser version... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.411 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Does focuser exist... "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.411 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 FE 00 00 00 04> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.412 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <07 10 24 54 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.412 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Focuser Version 7.16.9300, exists true "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.413 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Firmware Info HC Ver 5.34 model CPC Deluxe NexStar Fork mount, HW Ver 6.19 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.417 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[WARNING] Mount firmware does not support getting pier side. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.417 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <t> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.417 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <02 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.418 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Celestron mount tracking, mode EQ N "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.418 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < ON_COORD_SET >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.423 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.430 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_ABORT_MOTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.433 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_TRACK_MODE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.436 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_TRACK_STATE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.440 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_MOTION_NS >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.444 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_MOTION_WE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.448 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_REVERSE_MOTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.450 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_SLEW_RATE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.453 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TARGET_EOD_COORD >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.458 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TIME_UTC >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.466 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < GEOGRAPHIC_COORD >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.474 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_PARK >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.477 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_PARK_POSITION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.483 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_PARK_OPTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.487 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < SCOPE_CONFIG_NAME >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.491 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < APPLY_SCOPE_CONFIG >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.493 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < USEJOYSTICK >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.496 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < SNOOP_JOYSTICK >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.500 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < Firmware Info >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.520 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount is unparked. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.521 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] InitPark Axis1 0.00 Axis2 0.00 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.521 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Setting Default Park Axis1 to 0.00 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.521 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Setting Default Park Axis2 to 51.23 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.524 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount is unparked. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.524 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < GUIDE_RATE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 10 47 00 00 00 01> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <80 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get_guide_rate raw response (0-255) 128 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Get Guide Rate: RA 0.501961 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.533 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 11 47 00 00 00 01> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.534 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <80 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.534 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get_guide_rate raw response (0-255) 128 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.534 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Get Guide Rate: Dec 0.501961 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.534 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_TIMED_GUIDE_NS >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.540 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < TELESCOPE_TIMED_GUIDE_WE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.548 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount supports guiding. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.548 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < CELESTRON_TRACK_MODE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.552 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <i> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.553 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <0C 1D 19 07 07 17 00 01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.553 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < DST_STATE >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.558 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Mount UTC offset: 1.00. UTC time: 2023-07-07T11:29:25. DST: On "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.558 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <w> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.559 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <33 0D 30 00 00 14 0B 01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.559 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Mount latitude 51.2300 longitude 359.6636 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.559 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.560 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.560 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.561 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.561 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.562 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.562 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <J> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.562 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.563 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < PEC_CONTROL >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.568 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < PEC_INFO >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.573 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < PEC_LOAD >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.576 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < FOCUS_MIN >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.582 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 2C 00 00 00 08> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.623 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount] - Mount status changed from "Error" to "Tracking"
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.640 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 00 05 83 00 00 68 B0 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.640 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Focus Limits: Maximum (26800) Minimum (1411) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.647 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Focus Limits: Maximum (26800) Minimum (1411) steps. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.650 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Auxiliary focuser is connected. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.651 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < FOCUS_MOTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.655 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < REL_FOCUS_POSITION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.659 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < ABS_FOCUS_POSITION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.664 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < FOCUS_MAX >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.667 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - < Celestron GPS >: < FOCUS_ABORT_MOTION >
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.687 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] ISNewText name TIME_UTC, text 2023-07-07T11:29:25, names UTC, n 2 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.690 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <J> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.690 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.693 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Updating time is not necessary since mount is already aligned. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.693 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <J> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.694 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <01 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:26.696 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Updating location is not necessary since mount is already aligned. "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.740 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Celestron GPS is online."
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.743 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Guider port from Celestron GPS is ready."
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.746 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.746 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.746 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.746 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.747 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.747 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.749 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "Error: Invalid range for Focal Length (mm) (FOCAL_LENGTH). Valid range is from 10 to 10000. Requested value is -1 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.749 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "Error: Invalid range for Focal Length (mm) (FOCAL_LENGTH). Valid range is from 10 to 10000. Requested value is -1 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.750 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "Error: Invalid range for Focal Length (mm) (FOCAL_LENGTH). Valid range is from 10 to 10000. Requested value is -1 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.750 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "Error: Invalid range for Focal Length (mm) (FOCAL_LENGTH). Valid range is from 10 to 10000. Requested value is -1 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.751 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.753 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.753 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.755 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F700,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:29.756 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.357 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.425 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.426 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.426 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.457 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:30.458 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.484 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.527 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.529 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.529 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.559 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:31.561 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.560 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.630 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.633 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.634 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.662 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:32.662 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.663 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.732 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.732 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.733 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.764 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:33.764 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.765 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.833 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.834 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.834 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.866 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:34.866 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.867 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.935 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.936 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.936 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.967 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:35.968 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:36.969 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.038 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.038 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.039 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.070 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:37.071 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.071 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.140 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F700,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.141 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.142 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.172 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:38.173 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.174 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.242 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.243 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.243 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.274 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:39.275 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.276 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.346 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.347 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.349 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.378 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:40.379 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.378 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.447 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.448 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.450 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.479 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:41.481 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.480 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.548 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.549 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.549 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.581 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:42.581 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.582 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.655 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.656 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.656 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.683 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:43.683 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.684 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.752 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.753 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.784 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:44.784 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.785 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.854 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.855 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.856 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.886 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:45.888 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.887 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.956 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.956 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.956 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.988 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:46.989 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:47.989 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.059 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.059 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.060 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.091 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:48.092 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.092 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.161 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.161 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.162 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.307 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:49.308 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.265 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.265 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.266 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.266 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.385 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:50.387 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.296 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.582 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.583 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.583 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.583 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:51.583 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.467 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F700,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.470 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.472 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.499 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:52.500 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.500 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.569 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CD00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.571 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.573 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.607 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:53.607 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.602 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.671 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.671 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.671 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.703 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:54.704 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.704 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.773 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.773 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.773 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.807 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:55.807 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.806 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.875 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.875 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.876 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.907 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:56.908 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:57.908 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:57.976 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F800,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:57.977 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:57.978 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:58.008 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:58.009 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.010 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.079 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.079 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.080 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.112 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:29:59.114 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.112 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.181 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.182 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.182 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.213 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:00.213 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.214 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.283 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.283 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.284 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.315 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:01.315 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.316 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.384 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.385 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.386 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.417 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:02.417 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.418 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.486 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CD00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.487 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.487 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.518 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:03.519 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.520 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.589 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.589 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.590 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.625 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:04.626 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.758 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.759 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.760 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.760 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.760 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:05.761 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.723 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.792 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F400,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.792 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.793 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.824 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:06.824 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.825 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.894 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.894 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.894 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.926 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:07.926 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:08.926 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:08.997 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:08.998 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:08.998 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:09.027 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:09.027 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.027 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.097 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F600,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.097 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.098 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.130 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:10.132 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.131 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.200 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.200 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.201 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.232 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:11.232 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.231 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.300 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F300,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.300 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.300 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.332 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:12.332 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.333 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.402 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.403 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.434 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:13.434 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.435 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.504 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.504 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.505 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.536 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:14.536 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.537 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.608 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <52F4F500,13E3CC00#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.608 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 7:46:38,27:58:12) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.608 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <50 01 12 01 00 00 00 03> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.638 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <00 3C EB 23> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:15.639 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] get focus position 15595 "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.561 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.align] - Target coordinates updated to JNow RA: "07h 36m 04s" DE: " 31° 50' 17\""
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.565 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ISD:Telescope sending coords RA: "07h 36m 04s" ( 7.60105 ) DE: " 31° 50' 17\"" ( 31.838 )
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.623 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] Goto RA-DEC( 7:36:04,31:50:17) "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.623 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <r5113F11E,16A3EDC2> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.627 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount] - Mount status changed from "Tracking" to "Slewing"
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.628 BST INFO ][] - "Mount is moving. Resetting calibration..."
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.632 BST INFO ][] - "Calibration is cleared."
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.708 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] RES <#> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.716 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[INFO] Slewing to JNOW RA 7:36:04 - DEC 31:50:17 SlewOffsetRa 0.0 arcsec "
[2023-07-07T12:30:16.720 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:21.765 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:21.770 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:22.608 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos.mount] - Mount status changed from "Slewing" to "Error"
[2023-07-07T12:30:22.761 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:27.769 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:27.772 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:28.767 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:33.775 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:33.777 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:34.774 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:39.781 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:39.784 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:40.779 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:45.788 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:45.792 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:46.786 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:51.948 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:51.952 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:52.789 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:30:57.795 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:30:57.798 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:30:58.792 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:03.802 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:03.808 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:04.799 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:09.804 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:09.808 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:10.802 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:15.810 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:15.813 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:16.808 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:21.814 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:21.817 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:22.813 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:27.818 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:27.821 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:28.841 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:33.822 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:33.825 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:34.821 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:39.829 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:39.833 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:40.825 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:45.833 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:45.838 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:46.829 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:51.990 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:51.995 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:52.835 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:31:57.843 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:31:57.846 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:31:58.841 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:32:03.849 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:32:03.852 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:32:04.848 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:32:09.855 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:32:09.858 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:32:10.854 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:32:15.862 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Serial read error: Timeout error "
[2023-07-07T12:32:15.866 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[ERROR] Failed to read RA/DEC values. "
[2023-07-07T12:32:16.860 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Celestron GPS : "[DEBUG] CMD <e> "
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.464 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Disconnecting "Celestron GPS"
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.465 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Disconnecting "ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro"
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.466 BST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - Disconnecting "ZWO CCD ASI174MM Mini"
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.467 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.ekos] - "Disconnecting INDI devices..."
[2023-07-07T12:32:17.510 BST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - ZWO CCD ASI294MC Pro : "[INFO] Saving device configuration... "

John Pillar replied to the topic 'Dithering duration' in the forum. 2 years ago

Kind of on-topic - I’ve puzzled over why the ‘drunken walk’ multi step dither was ever required. Is it to mitigate the chance of the guide star being lost if a large jump was made in one go - so by making multiple small steps the guide star(s) could be retained until threshold was reached.

It seems to me that a single random jump (random direction) to threshold is actually the same as multiple random steps (drunken walk) to threshold.



Hiya - not sure I can help - but I regularly use Nou’s setup - has always worked great for me. I have kstars/ekos on a bare-bones rpi4. I have 3.6.3 stable working great.

Good luck.


Thanks all for your thoughts and advice. I got what is advertised by Rother Valley Optics as a ‘Skywatcher SynScan USB adapter’ … and it works (at least - it does in my lounge) I go straight from my RPI4 into the SynScan box, bypassing the HC completely, and fire up Indi using EQmount driver. I believe the RVO gadget is based on a Prolific chip. All I need now are some clear skies to test it out properly, but it looks very hopeful.

Thanks again.


No problem. Thanks for your suggestions. The EQ5 pro Mount (I’m not talking about the SynScan box or the HC) has an 8 pin DIN socket connecting it to the SynScan box. I’ll wait and try the SynScan - usb connector I’ve ordered from RVO. If I’m lucky this will connect the rpi to the base of the HC (for a SynScan Indi driver) , or maybe to the SynScan box directly (for an eqmod Indi driver).

Thanks again


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