Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago


Thanks very much.. I actually downloaded kubuntu- yesterday with the intent of putting that on an old Dell E6420 laptop I have here so you post was both timely and helpful.

For the next week I am reverting to Windows 10 since I have another laptop with a known and stable install on it and I really want to see the twinkly bits this weekend.

My end goal is to have the Pi 4/8GB back on the scope and working. That way I just VNC into it from anywhere. Yo see I am at the start of building my own Roll-off-roof observatory. Right no I have the concrete pad laid and this September I shall build the building. Right now I have a 1 hour drive to my pad so it is not too much hassle not to have the Pi on the scope.

I hope that radek posts an update fairly soon though.

Question: How will I know when he has done so? Will there be a form announcement or flash banner? Don't wanna miss it.

Again thank you for thinking of me and passing alone that information.


Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago

Ha! I though that is what you would say. I think I shall wait until radek updates the files. I cannot use astroberry with my rig right now anyway so I may as well wait for the fik and then new files. This is not a problem. Thank you for telling me. I have a LOT to learn here.



Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago

So it's a bug then. Trust me a a neophyte astroberry user to trip right over it. AT least the bug is now out in the open and nobody is saying it is a user error. For that alone I am pleased.

On a related subject I issued "indiserver" and it says that I have "INDI Library: 1.8.9" I did "sudo apt upgrade && sudo apt update" and I still have 1.8.9. How can I get to 1.9.0 please?

Thanks again.


Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago

@Steve, Whilst I hate these kind of bugs, in a way I am glad it is not just a Raspberry Pi problem. It now means that devs can use almost any architecture to find the problem. Thanks for the update.

@astronerd, I am using astroberry on a Pi4/8GB. Mine too used tp connect. Now it NEVER does no matter what I do.

I am sure a fix will come. These guys are good and know what they are about.



Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks Steve, I was certain there was an issue here. I have played with udev rules but probably got the syntax wrong since the ttyUSBx permissions came out wrong. with your example I can most likely make it work. In frustration I removed the asreobery Pi this morning and have reverted to USB + Windows until I get this fixed.

Question: Is there a command I can issue that will return the currently installed indi library? I think I have installed 1.9.0 but I'd like that confirmed. What's the magic command please?


Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago

Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated. I did all you suggest many times. The Gemini (mount) never connects. I have tried it on its own with nothing else connected. ls -l /dev/tty* then shows no port suffixed by USB. Plugging my mount into either a Pi USB 2 or USB 3 port immediately generated a ttyUSB0 port. It never connects to KStars. The error message is always the same " [WARNING] Port /dev/ttyUSB0 is already used by another driver or process."

In all honesty, I would not have written had I not been totally stuck. Finally, plugging my mount's USB cable into a Windows 10 laptop it immediately connects to Stellarium either via Stellarium native or using the ASCOM driver.

This is very puzzling.


Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Port is already used error' in the forum. 3 years ago

@Jasem,  I regret to say that am still seeing the same error " [WARNING] Port /dev/ttyUSB0 is already used by another driver or process."  I am running astroberry 2.03 downloaded from the .img file.  I have gone through this process  Additionally I have done sudo apt dist-upgrade, sudo apt update, several reboots, I have removed modemmanager and gpsd.  I am running this on a Pi4 / 8GB and have connected my Losmandy G11 Gemini-1 to both USB2 and USB3 ports.  I have gone through power off of the Gemini and the Pi, disconnections of both. I have made sure that only the Gemini (and the USB 3.0 boot SSD) are connected to the Pi.

I do not know what to do next.  I know this should work and I know that you know it works.  What next please?



I have mounted my Pi 4 4GB Pi directly on my telescope. It boots directly from a 1TD SSD with no microSD in the system. It works great. I connect to it via a hard wired gigabit ethernet cable and use either its IP address on realVNC viewer to connect to it.

I would very much like to have the viewable screen image much larger. Across two screen in fact. I can open up two VNC sessions or one VNC and one browser session but the screen image is the same on both screens.

Is there any way that I can have two distinct screen images on separate screen? My desktop PC has 4 x 24" screen and it would be very nice if my astroberry display could be made to extend across to of them

Can a way be found to accommodate this please?



Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Remote screen resolution' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you all for your replies and your help. My system is now working as I wish. For some reason as yet unknown to me. The Screen Configuration tool in GUI has changed its available resolutions. It now has 1920 x 1080 which it did not have before I started this thread. I obviously did something with xrandr or in /boot/config.txt to cause this change. It probably changed during a re-boot as I was very careful to monitor the effect of each change. I also only changed one thing at a time. Heck, I'm a retired IT guy. Computers do what I tell 'em. Noth this time though.

Thanks again for all your help. Much appreciated.

Clear skies to all.


Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Remote screen resolution' in the forum. 4 years ago

Well now it works and I have NO IDEA what I did. I have been in and out of /boot/config.txt for the last 3 days. I am very careful with changes but between that and xrandr I have somehow created a new entry into X Screen Configuration. It now has a mode for 1920 x 1080 which was not there before. I had been playing with xrandir --addmode 1920x1080 and suddenly it appeared even though xrandr consistently gave me errors. If anyone knows which command did this, I would very much like to know. Thanks.


Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Remote screen resolution' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you. That helped a bit. I had not tried this. Too hung up on command line stuff. that utility only allowed me to go to 1280x720 BUT it is now the right aspect ratio. I shall keep banging at it until it submits,

Thanks again.


Pete Ingram created a new topic ' Remote screen resolution' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have just started using A Pi 4 with astroberry. I am booting and running from a 1TB USB 3.0 SSD disk. My intent is to mount the Pi and the SSD on the scope and access it either via realVNC or from the webpage. The PI will be hardwired to a gigabit LAN so, no hotspot. Everything works and is quite stable. My OnStep mount, ZWO camera an myFocuserPro all connect since I removed modemmanager.

The problem is, naturally, remote screen resolution. If I use realVNC viewer on Windows 10 or Kubuntu 20.3 or if I go to the IP address I see a much reduced display. It is square or nearly so. fbset reports 1920 x 1080 as set in config.txt (hdmi_mode=82). I have been through every valid mode listed here to no avail. Nothing I doo with fbset, xrandr or config.txt changes the display significantly. I have tried different monitors, matched resolutions, changed PCs for my desktop which has a good NVidia display card. I tried UltraVNC and even Teamviewer. Nothing works. I am stuck with a square image.

I have changed boot devices for a virgin astroberry image on an SD Card. Again, no change. The ONLY thing that allows remote viewing a full screen/resolution is to have a monitor plugged in to micro HDMI port 1 on the Pi whilst I am remote viewing. This works and I get a decent, usable screen on my laptop. Remove the monitor and the next remote access reverts to the square image once more.

Having scoured the web and tried all seemingly viable solutions to no avail, I am now out of ideas.

Is there a fix for this? Does anybody have any idea as to how to resolve this please?

Thanks in advance


Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Support for myFilterWheel' in the forum. 4 years ago

Because this device is built and working well either as a stand alone device or with ASCOM Platform. It also has Windows and Linux apps and I have designed and made two working devices and a printed circuit board.

Additionally it is always useful to have alternatives.

I hope this answers your question.


Pete Ingram replied to the topic 'Support for myFilterWheel' in the forum. 4 years ago

@jasem, Thanks for that. I think once this works it may save some amateur astronomers some money.


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