Pete Ingram created a new topic ' Remote screen resolution' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have just started using A Pi 4 with astroberry. I am booting and running from a 1TB USB 3.0 SSD disk. My intent is to mount the Pi and the SSD on the scope and access it either via realVNC or from the webpage. The PI will be hardwired to a gigabit LAN so, no hotspot. Everything works and is quite stable. My OnStep mount, ZWO camera an myFocuserPro all connect since I removed modemmanager.

The problem is, naturally, remote screen resolution. If I use realVNC viewer on Windows 10 or Kubuntu 20.3 or if I go to the IP address I see a much reduced display. It is square or nearly so. fbset reports 1920 x 1080 as set in config.txt (hdmi_mode=82). I have been through every valid mode listed here to no avail. Nothing I doo with fbset, xrandr or config.txt changes the display significantly. I have tried different monitors, matched resolutions, changed PCs for my desktop which has a good NVidia display card. I tried UltraVNC and even Teamviewer. Nothing works. I am stuck with a square image.

I have changed boot devices for a virgin astroberry image on an SD Card. Again, no change. The ONLY thing that allows remote viewing a full screen/resolution is to have a monitor plugged in to micro HDMI port 1 on the Pi whilst I am remote viewing. This works and I get a decent, usable screen on my laptop. Remove the monitor and the next remote access reverts to the square image once more.

Having scoured the web and tried all seemingly viable solutions to no avail, I am now out of ideas.

Is there a fix for this? Does anybody have any idea as to how to resolve this please?

Thanks in advance