Hello Scott,
I know the feeling.
I have the same version running on Raspberry PI/Astroberry. In my last session, I had it twice, each time involving the FITS viewer, once when clicking the histogram icon and once when just bringing it to the front.
I could not find any thing relevant in /var/log/messages or other log files in /var/log
I run on a PI with 8GB memory, so lack of memory shouldn't be the problem.
Next time I'll activate the debug logging, but looking at the weather report, that will not be for any time soon :(


Hello,I'm using Ekos on astroberry with a ZWO EAF focuser, I got for my birthday from my kids. I looked around a bit and these are the settings I've tried (found info on this forum):

  • Settings tab:
    • Full field: checked
    • Box: 64px
    • Annulus: 25% - 80%
    • Settle: 0
  • Process:
    • Detection: SEP
    • Kernel size: 5
    • Sigma: 1.5
    • SEP Profile: focus default
    • Algorithm: Linear
    • Tolerance: 5%
    • Average over 2 frames
When I start the automatic focus process - after I focused manually, it starts far out (or in), with donnut-shaped stars, at some point it reaches (imho) nice focus but continues and stops with donnut shaped stars. I've read somewhere that with a Newtonian it's not easy to use an automatic focus process, due to the secondary mirror shadow when out of focus.Can anybody please advise what settings I can use for my setup, or should I should I forget about automatic focussing with a newtonian?Thanks and kind regards,


Hello Jasem,
this is in the meantime solved - as I was quite sure it wasn't a problem with ekos.
There were a couple of other problems:
- I suspect that there wasn't a bind with the gspd.socket; hence it worked by specifying on the command line /dev/ttyACM0, but not when without. Once started at boot via gpsd.service, it worked ok
- As I was testing this inside (though close to a window), I wasn't patience enough
Thanks for you reaction!


I configured a U-Blox7 USB gps on my astroberry. When I launch the command gpsmon /dev/ttyACM0 it shows the satellites, time and position correctly, at the top it shows astroberry:/dev/ttyACM0 57600.
When I don't specify the device it shows no satellite nor location information and at the top it displays: tcp://localhost:2947
In the ekos indi control panel at first I thought it showed the correct location, but that was not the case, it just showed what was in /etc/location.conf. Once I commented all lines in /etc/location.conf it did not show any location info any more.
I'm sure it's a configuration issue, but can anybody tell me what config setting could wrong?
Thanks and kind regards,



geert created a new topic ' Weird EQ6R problem' in the forum. 4 years ago

I recently have reinstalled all my gear and wanted to align the guider scope with the main scope using the attached cameras.
Here's my problem, and how I reproduced it (twice only, as I don't want to wreck my equipment)

  • Running kstars (Version 3.5.0 Stable)/ekos (INDI Library: 1.8.7) on astroberry (Linux astroberry 5.10.11-v7l+ #1399)
  • Mount connected to astroberry via USB-C port
  • Start ekos from within kstars
  • Connect EQ6-R mount, main camera and guide camera
  • Start ekos mount control
  • Slew declination so that scope is +- horizontal roughly pointed at an object near the horizon
  • Start slewing right ascension to find object on the horizon
Slewing in right ascension cannot be stopped; mount continues to slew till pointed at the ground and motors making a horrible noise (I'm sure it didn't much good to the worm gears and/or motors)

I did the same thing using the synscab hand control, and there I had no problems; I'm not sure if this is an ekos problem or if's a problem on the EQ6R-controller ???

  • I have used this setup (EQ6R, astroberry, kstars/ekos) for imaging without any problem so far.
  • Every time I start the astroberry, I do a system update (sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade)

Any help/comment appreciated!



geert replied to the topic 'Problem capturing' in the forum. 4 years ago

I finally had the chance to check this out, and indeed setting bulb mode on the camera and "force bulb" now takes all exposures with the exposure time requested; but now I'm having issues when trying to take sub-second exposures (like for the flats), if I set the exposure to 0.04 then it takes 1 seconds exposures. I'm puzzled.


geert created a new topic ' Ekos capturing problem' in the forum. 4 years ago

I'm a beginner and I'm using Ekos (KStars version is 3.4.3) on astroberry.
My camera is a Canon 500D.
I've setup a sequence of 20 captures of 1 minute each.
My problem is that every uneven capture is a capture of 1 second (I verified this with nomacs), though Ekos logs that it's capturing a 60 second image.
My darks, same problem.
My question, what am I doing wrong here, or what setting did I mess up?
All help appreciated!



geert created a new topic ' Problem capturing' in the forum. 4 years ago


I'm using ekos (KSTars is version 3.4.3) on astroberry.
My camera is a canon 500D.
It's the second time I'm using ekos to capture. First time I did not have any problem.
The second time, I've setup a capture of 20 exposures of 1 minute.
Every uneven capture is an exposure of 1 second (I checked that with nomacs), though ekos says it's capturing for 60 seconds. All even exposures are ok.
I don't have a clue what is going on.
What am I doing wrong?
Any help appreciated.



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    08. 03. 1957
  • About me
    I'm an eternal beginner