geert created a new topic ' Weird EQ6R problem' in the forum. 4 years ago

I recently have reinstalled all my gear and wanted to align the guider scope with the main scope using the attached cameras.
Here's my problem, and how I reproduced it (twice only, as I don't want to wreck my equipment)

  • Running kstars (Version 3.5.0 Stable)/ekos (INDI Library: 1.8.7) on astroberry (Linux astroberry 5.10.11-v7l+ #1399)
  • Mount connected to astroberry via USB-C port
  • Start ekos from within kstars
  • Connect EQ6-R mount, main camera and guide camera
  • Start ekos mount control
  • Slew declination so that scope is +- horizontal roughly pointed at an object near the horizon
  • Start slewing right ascension to find object on the horizon
Slewing in right ascension cannot be stopped; mount continues to slew till pointed at the ground and motors making a horrible noise (I'm sure it didn't much good to the worm gears and/or motors)

I did the same thing using the synscab hand control, and there I had no problems; I'm not sure if this is an ekos problem or if's a problem on the EQ6R-controller ???

  • I have used this setup (EQ6R, astroberry, kstars/ekos) for imaging without any problem so far.
  • Every time I start the astroberry, I do a system update (sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade)

Any help/comment appreciated!
