Would checking "clear mount model at meridian flip" in options cause it to solve to the target and not previous mount location?

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I don't know if this will help but I use a powered usb hub with my rpi4. Also I have to disconnect the camera before I start the rpi4, then connect it when the rpi4 is at the desktop. Other wise it will not connect to indi. Sometimes I can just unplug it and plug it back in to resolve communication issues. It may have to do with the camera powering up before the rpi4 because of the powered usb hub.

I was having the same issues with hanging but I don't know if it was a faulty camera or if I needed a powered usb hub. My first camera did die. The replacement had the same issues as the people above, but went away when I replaced the rpi4 with a new one.

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jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

To get the SV305 drivers you have to run this command:

sudo apt-get -y install indi-sv305

The SV105 and SV205 are like web cams so the V4L2 driver should work fine for them. I understand your frustration as Indi has a steep learning curve and you couple that with linux, well it gets messy trying to get it sorted out. What works for one distro doesn't quite work for yours and so on. As far as the GPSD issue. My mount is set up with onstep for control. I was using onstep bluepill first and had the same issues trying to use port usbtty0, I would have to stop gps, then disable it and do some other steps to get the mount to work. I switched to a minipcb onstep and it uses acmtty0 port so the gps is no longer and issue with mine. I know this doesn't help but I do think it's a common issue so you may want to do a search on the forums for it.


jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Okay there is some success to report. New camera showed up and works with ascom on windows. It also works on the rpi4 with ubuntu 20.04. No issues connection with AstroDMx or ekos. I do not have the issue with looping not working. Now I wonder if the camera was the issue in the first place. I'm going to get astroberry installed on another sd card and try that again. Also as a side note when I plug the camera into the pi, I get some serious input lag with my mouse and keyboard. The mouse and keyboard are direct connected to the pi. I have tried it with and without the powered usb hub, it doesn't matter how I connect things. Once the camera is plugged in the input lag shows up. Now to test with a fresh astroberry install and if that doesn't work I'll continue to slog through the realvnc setup, unless someone knows of an easier option that allows vnc connections over a browser.


jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Update: My SV305pro stopped working. I installed ubuntu 20.04 32 bit (armhf) on the rpi4, installed kstars 3.5 then the indi driver for the camera, for some reason it wasn't included in 3.5 bleeding. I could not get it to connect to the camera. After changing cables several times, usb hub/ no usb hub, and trying to get it to connect with AstroDMx, I tested it on my desktop with ascom and it would not find the camera. Unable to detect. So I have another one coming from Amazon as a replacement. Hope this one doesn't give up the ghost.


jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Update: powered USB hub made no difference. Clean install did not help. I installed AstroDMx, it worked when I tested it inside. It started the guide calibration in ekos, it took probably 6 exposures but never made it past ra drift with the simulated telescope. Im not sure if it should have made it all the way and started "guiding" with the simulated telescope, but I pressed on. When I moved everything outside for a trial run it continued to hang in kstars/ekos. Astrodmx would loop and do single captures but no matter how I set the gain or exposure I never got a picture with starts. I'm wondering if it's an issue with the ARM chip/architecture in the RPI4. Is there anyone else guiding with ekos on an ARM platform? Or is everybody else running x86?


jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Just got done trying the shorter cables. No luck. Same issues. No matter if I set it to 8-bit, 2x, 3x, or 4x binning it hangs. I should have a powered usb hub tomorrow to test. I checked to log files and found nothing about low power warnings or any power warnings of any kind. Attached is a snip of the log file when the hang happens. It will keep timing out then reconnect after about 60 seconds of timeouts. I'll do a clean install of astroberry to see if there are any issues there. Maybe it'll fix my crashing issue when completing a polar alignment.


jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

@JonCarleton I actually have 2 drivers listed for the sv305. One is the SV305 CCD, this one does not connect to the camera and SVBONY SV305, this one connects to the camera. It's strange though as when you hover over the selection its give the same .exe (indi_sv305_ccd) but list different drivers. The sv305 ccd shows driver SV305 CCD and the svbony sv305 shows driver SVBONY SV305. Not to sure if this is a drive conflict from the same .exe. I tried binning at 4x but it still hangs.

@gingerbreadassasin The camera is connected directly to the rpi4 usb3. I tried both ports and the usb 2 ports. Oddly enough I get more exposures with the usb2 ports before it hangs then with the usb3 ports. For testing purposes I removed all other usb devices (onstep mount, Nikon d5300, and thumbdrive) from the pi. The cable supplied with the camera is 6ft. I order 2 more 3 ft. ones to test with. I also tested the camera on my windows desktop with phd2 and ascom, work as it should but couldn't change binning for some reason. I think it may have something to do with the usb power and cable length. I'll test more when the new shorter cables show up to day.


jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

I am having an issue with my sv305 pro hanging after 3 exposures. It does it if with the internal guider and with phd2. All I get is indi control panel dialog box says (INFO) Waiting... at 1 second intervals. I have to hard reset the camera to get it to communicate again.

The driver was installed via the sudo apt-get -y install indi-sv305 command and is version 1.2.
sudo apt update and upgrade were performed on rpi4 and astroberry. All is up to date.

Thanks for any help.


jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

I am having a problem with the SV305 pro when used for guiding. I can only get 3 exposures with it then then it will just say (INFO) WAITING in the INDI control panel dialog box.
It also does the same thing using the internal guider in ekos or PHD2, though I guess they both use the same driver. To get it to reset I have to shutdown the indi server and disconnect
the camera usb cable. Then I'm able to get 3 more exposures. All settings are the default settings. It is set on 12 bit and 8 bit does not work for some reason.

Also I am unable to set debug mode. When I enable it, it will automatically disable. This may be do to my complete lack of experience with this software and linux in general.

Thanks for any help.


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    05. 09. 1984
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    just started in astrophotography.