jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

I am having a problem with the SV305 pro when used for guiding. I can only get 3 exposures with it then then it will just say (INFO) WAITING in the INDI control panel dialog box.
It also does the same thing using the internal guider in ekos or PHD2, though I guess they both use the same driver. To get it to reset I have to shutdown the indi server and disconnect
the camera usb cable. Then I'm able to get 3 more exposures. All settings are the default settings. It is set on 12 bit and 8 bit does not work for some reason.

Also I am unable to set debug mode. When I enable it, it will automatically disable. This may be do to my complete lack of experience with this software and linux in general.

Thanks for any help.