jason taylor replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

To get the SV305 drivers you have to run this command:

sudo apt-get -y install indi-sv305

The SV105 and SV205 are like web cams so the V4L2 driver should work fine for them. I understand your frustration as Indi has a steep learning curve and you couple that with linux, well it gets messy trying to get it sorted out. What works for one distro doesn't quite work for yours and so on. As far as the GPSD issue. My mount is set up with onstep for control. I was using onstep bluepill first and had the same issues trying to use port usbtty0, I would have to stop gps, then disable it and do some other steps to get the mount to work. I switched to a minipcb onstep and it uses acmtty0 port so the gps is no longer and issue with mine. I know this doesn't help but I do think it's a common issue so you may want to do a search on the forums for it.