Tim replied to the topic 'CGX parking in the scheduler' in the forum. 11 months ago

I may have answered my own questions. I usually do "last align" or "quick align" when I power up my mount. I had done that last night but also plate solved in prep for a session. But then had to power cycle my Stellarmate X. When I reconnected INDI, the unpark and park checkboxes were available. To test the idea, I just now powered up, did a one star align, then connected to INDI. Unpark and park are available.

The driver instructions say:

You must power and align your mount using the handset using any supported alignment method (e.g. SkyAlign). Without aligning your mount first, the driver will not connect to the handset.

I have never had issues connecting to the HC using the GPS driver, even without any alignment. However, it seems that more than a "quick align" or "last align" is needed prior to connecting to INDI.



Tim created a new topic ' CGX parking in the scheduler' in the forum. 11 months ago

I'm pretty dialed in with my Stellarmate X. Just a few bugs to figure out. As you can see in the attached screen shot, "UnPark mount" and "Park mount" are both greyed out. I always start out with an unparked mount, so I don't know if it being greyed out would prevent the scheduler from starting. But I always wake up to a mount that has stopped tracking but isn't parked. However, this isn't always the case, but I can't isolate the variable that makes it selectable. I'm on a Stellarmate X with the latest version running the CGX GPS driver.



Second this. I can get my Stellarmate X to connect to my CGX using the PC port, but the pointing is a mess. Jasem - You were looking for logs from CGX mounts using the AUX driver (I think) a while back. Still need them?

Similarly, I don't see an option to turn on PEC playback in the AUX driver like on the GPS driver (although it doesn't work for me). That would be a nice addition.



Curious if you've tried the cover with the scheduler? Without fail, the cover unparks and then the light turns on.



I'm am having issues with the timing updating as well. It sets KStars to UTC rather than my local time. I do see that I have the correct time zone in the driver. I have changed Settings-> Configure Kstars-> Indi to "KStars updates all devices." However, when I connect the device, I get a message saying something like, "GPS device detected. Update Time." If I don't say no quickly enough, then my time updates to UTC and the Indi settings changes to, "GPS Updates KStars."



Tim created a new topic ' Ekos Alignment Check' in the forum. 1 year ago

My mount occassionaly makes a large jump in dec which requires me to get rid of perfectly good frames. I have the alignment preferences set to check alignment every 10 frames and realign if the error exceeds 30 arcmins (the defaults). My FOV is 597x400. The jump is at least ½ FOV. Is there something else I need to do to enable the alignment check? I am running the latest version of Kstars/Ekos on an RPi4. Thanks.



Good to hear. I ended up getting one and am having some weird issues. The park and unpark work just fine in the scheduler. But the light turns on when it unparks. Ekos tries to turn it off but an error pops that says the light can't be controlled when in the unparked position. I've updated to the latest firmware but that didn't help. How do you set it up in Ekos? Do you assign it as an aux device? And do you then assign it as the cover and light box in you optical train. I feel like those are dumb questions because I'm not really sure there is another way to do it.



I'm thinking of purchasing this, but I'm not completely following the issue you're describing. What's the bottom line? Unusable with Indi? Thanks.



Problem solved! I get perfect focus in 7-ish frames. Thanks!


I have a ZWO 2600mm, EAF, and Rokinon 135mm. As Ekos gets close to the perfect focus, it no longer detects any stars. It’s like the star it picked (auto star selected) focuses itself down to something too small to detect. I’ve tried changing (and tweaking but I don’t really know what I’m doing) the star detection algorithm to no avail. I think if I could force it to pick a bigger star (I’ve tried selecting “big stars”) it might work, but I have been unable to force it to do it. Any help is appreciated. Thanks. -Tim


Tim replied to the topic 'Re:Pegasus Astro Uranus Meteo Sensor' in the forum. 1 year ago

Any updates on this?


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