Tim replied to the topic 'CGX parking in the scheduler' in the forum. 11 months ago

I may have answered my own questions. I usually do "last align" or "quick align" when I power up my mount. I had done that last night but also plate solved in prep for a session. But then had to power cycle my Stellarmate X. When I reconnected INDI, the unpark and park checkboxes were available. To test the idea, I just now powered up, did a one star align, then connected to INDI. Unpark and park are available.

The driver instructions say:

You must power and align your mount using the handset using any supported alignment method (e.g. SkyAlign). Without aligning your mount first, the driver will not connect to the handset.

I have never had issues connecting to the HC using the GPS driver, even without any alignment. However, it seems that more than a "quick align" or "last align" is needed prior to connecting to INDI.
