Andy replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

I was able to successfully compile and install the driver. I also edited the drivers file too. Then connected the Linear to my laptop. I was able to connect to the mount from Ekos without an issue. I synced to the home position then picked a couple of starts in KStars and slewed to them both without any issues. This was indoors, but I could see the mount moved to the expected position to point at each star. I left the mount tracking for about 10 minutes. That was also fine. Finally I parked the mount and disconnected again no issues. So a successful test :-)

I'll test the guiding next. Is pulse guiding supported or should I use an ST4 cable? Also can I use the internal guider?

P.S I really appreciate the effort that has gone into the driver. I'm so pleased to be able to use the Avalon LInear with KStars and Ekos.



Andy replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

I tried to run the first command from the Readme file:
git clone
But got a 'Repository not found' error. I then saw the 'ken-self-sync' branch in the online repository. I had a look online for how to get that and ran this command:
git clone --single-branch -b ken-self-sync
I think that has worked as I have an INDI folder in my home directory and it includes '/3rdparty/indi-avalon/'

So I think I can attempt the compile and install using these commands from the Readme:
cd indi
mkdir -p build/indi-avalon
cd build/indi-avalon
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../3rdparty/indi-avalon
sudo make install

Before I try the compile and install can I just check, have I got the files for the correct version with the 'ken-self-sync' branch?

Also I found the Drivers.xml file in usr/share/INDI/ I think that's the one I need to update with the Driver. I just need to add the below entry. Is that correct?

<device label="Avalon StarGo">
<driver name="LX200 StarGo">indi_lx200stargo</driver>



Andy created a new topic ' Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm new to LInux, INDI, KStars and Ekos. I have an Avalon LInear mount with StarGO system. I've read the 'Avalon mzero Stargo with lx200 protocol' thread and would like to try the Avalon INDI driver. I haven't posted in that thread as I didn't want to dilute it with beginner questions.

Can I just check should I follow the README instructions here to compile and install the driver?

I currently have the INDI LIbrary with basic drivers installed. Would I need to install anything else before compiling and installing the Avalon driver?



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    29. 06. 1978
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    Kit list: Esprit 80 and Evoguide 50ED, ZWO cameras and EFW, heq5 pro mount, Baader filters