Andy replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

I was able to successfully compile and install the driver. I also edited the drivers file too. Then connected the Linear to my laptop. I was able to connect to the mount from Ekos without an issue. I synced to the home position then picked a couple of starts in KStars and slewed to them both without any issues. This was indoors, but I could see the mount moved to the expected position to point at each star. I left the mount tracking for about 10 minutes. That was also fine. Finally I parked the mount and disconnected again no issues. So a successful test :-)

I'll test the guiding next. Is pulse guiding supported or should I use an ST4 cable? Also can I use the internal guider?

P.S I really appreciate the effort that has gone into the driver. I'm so pleased to be able to use the Avalon LInear with KStars and Ekos.
