Andy replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

I tried to run the first command from the Readme file:
git clone
But got a 'Repository not found' error. I then saw the 'ken-self-sync' branch in the online repository. I had a look online for how to get that and ran this command:
git clone --single-branch -b ken-self-sync
I think that has worked as I have an INDI folder in my home directory and it includes '/3rdparty/indi-avalon/'

So I think I can attempt the compile and install using these commands from the Readme:
cd indi
mkdir -p build/indi-avalon
cd build/indi-avalon
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ../../3rdparty/indi-avalon
sudo make install

Before I try the compile and install can I just check, have I got the files for the correct version with the 'ken-self-sync' branch?

Also I found the Drivers.xml file in usr/share/INDI/ I think that's the one I need to update with the Driver. I just need to add the below entry. Is that correct?

<device label="Avalon StarGo">
<driver name="LX200 StarGo">indi_lx200stargo</driver>
