Would someone kindly tell me the recommended setup for driver development on RaspberryPi.

I have just upgraded to 1.8.6 and cannot work-out/remember what to do to recompile my custom drivers.



Robert Barlow created a new topic ' Dome Slaving setting' in the forum. 5 years ago


I'd like, please, to check that I have my slaving settings right.

I assumed that the N/E and UP offsets are between the centre of the dome and the crossing point between mount axes.

N/E-offset being the horizontal +ve distances and UP-offset being the vertical +ve.

I have been taking the OTA offset between the optical axis and the RA axis.

Is this OK?


Ah. Sorry to bother you. I had done that but was testing an old copy in /usr/local/bin. It now works as desired.

Thanks for the reassurance.


My Dome driver has its own integrated hardware interface operating directly through RPi GPIO pins. Seems my decision to do this is at odds with the recent encapsulation of serial/tcp connection logic. At the moment I get, as expected: Failed to connect to port (/dev/ttyUSB0). Error: Port failure Error: No such file or directory. Check if device is connected to this port.

I have tried a few things, unsuccessfully to inhibit the connection logic. I am not very confident I have source that matches the current RPi build.

Is there a way I can override the connection logic?


Robert Barlow replied to the topic 'Xagyl Wheel bug' in the forum. 8 years ago

I'm now wondering if we could please get a fixed version for raspberry pi?


Robert Barlow created a new topic ' Xagyl Wheel bug' in the forum. 8 years ago

Just resurrected my Xagyl wheel and found that INDI driver (indi_xagyl_wheel) failed with "Unable to parse FW 2.2.0."

I have done a local fix as follows:-

libindi(1.2.0)->drivers->filter_wheel->xagyl_wheel.cpp line 190

was: int fw_rc = sscanf(resp, "%d", &fwver);
is: int fw_rc = sscanf(resp, "FW %d", &fwver);

works for me; but thought I should say.


Robert Barlow replied to the topic 'CCD image processing software' in the forum. 8 years ago

Tease! But thanks.


Robert Barlow created a new topic ' CCD image processing software' in the forum. 8 years ago

I apologise if this post is too far off-topic.

I am thinking about an alternative to IRAF which appears to be sliding into the abyss; so am seeking a recommendation for a processing set that works well on linux. I would be very happy to hear, please, what fellow KStars/INDI users find useful.


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