Mmm, so there might be an issue with the INDI server configuration maybe? Maybe try a restart of the system with Kstars on it, after you selected it to use PHD as an external guider. You also configured PHD to present it as a server right?


Yes it works fine with INDI (that is, when I tried it and it wasn't broken ;) ). But you can totally use it as a stand-alone piece of software just to align the mount and then continue with EKOS.


It totally does, I would give that an install asap. ;) It has a similar alignment tool and is very robust.


If you were also running PHD I think you could have tried that alignment tool right? Not sure if the Linux version has it as well actually.


Vincent Groenewold replied to the topic 'Solid Ekos/Indi version' in the forum. 6 years ago

It is interesting I have to say; I've been using INDI since 2015 and during that time also bought Sequence Generator Pro. I use both but have been migrating more and more to SGP, even though I like the INDI approach better. The general problem the OP mentions (stuff that always worked, suddenly doesn't) I experienced way too often and would have expected that to be less frequent of a problem at the end of 2018. Bugs are always present, but specifically this type should be able to be handled better I think, with the proper checks in place and such. My strategy right now is to watch the forum closely until this type of problem isn't mentioned very often anymore and then I'll fire it up again.


Fully agree on that, it's great to see the community effort in it. Good point about the ascom drivers as well, I kind of hate the ascom way of control.. however, the drivers that do come with it never failed on me. That may have been my main point in all this, those remained (for better or worse) unchanged and thus stable. But ofcourse, that means they remain buggy for anyone's equipment where it didn't work.


Yes I think this intermediate period of the big change to github and all the commits was not optimal for the system as a whole. But I did see the positive direction coming out of that and that's why I'm still following the progress closely, as said, I love the entire setup and idea. Seems things are settling done judging from the forum issues (my new indicator :) ). So I'll fire it up for a session soon again. Thanks for all the effort and for the nice discussion!


Although I still use KStars and INDI, I have to agree that I shifted from using it fulltime to using it to set everything up, then switching to SGP. And It's totally not meant, as the TS also states, as a rant, we all love the enormous effort put into this still free software. It has so much potential, INDI rocks, but at the end of the day an astrophotographer needs to be able to rely on a system. My problem with it is that I updated to much, also my fault, but I noticed that stuff that always worked, suddenly didn't, then it did again, then it didn't. Things like the guider or my Canon, it fluctuated too much between versions to be able to rely on the updates. Again, totally get it, I programme as a hobby as well, still love the open-source of it and I might even go an learn to get involved into INDI as well. But these basic things fluctuating has been a thing since I started in 2015, our Dutch weather is terrible, so I kind of had to switch at some point. I do keep a good eye out on it though, the moment I think it's working great again with my setup I'll go back 100%. For the same reason of stability which is also needed and INDI totally offers that, Windows isn't my thing either. :)


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