Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

if it shows up like that, that means that for some reason that particular driver did not get built when I built the DMG for some reason. I do not know why it did not get built that day for certain. It may have been that someone was working on it, or maybe there was an issue on my computer with that one when the dmg was being built. At any rate, I had cleared out that directory and tried to start fresh when I had found out about the changes to the recipes and upgrading QT6, so I can't actually look at the files anymore to verify why that driver may not have built.


Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

In terms of the Avalon driver, I do not know much about it or why it may or may not have been included in the last dmg. When I built it, I just used my script from before and if that driver was turned off in the settings then it would not have been included. You can always check the list of which ones are on or off at a particular time in the cmakelist and thus those should build in a dmg built that day, but of course that list can change over time for various reasons.

When binary factory was running we could have just recommended you just check a different daily build if a driver is missing or if an issue was fixed, but KDE changed that system and we will need to update our recipes accordingly.


Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Well the KStars dmg that we are discussing does come with all the drivers already compiled and bundled into the app including the ones in the 3rd party repo that were working on MacOS at the time the dmg was built. Unless of course there was some kind of issue with the settings or the driver build option for that particular driver for some reason was turned off when it was built, or of course if there was a problem with building it at the time.


Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Sure, so originally when I was porting KStars to Mac, I always built the drivers and KStars with home-brew. When we started trying to distribute it to others, that was not going to work for many users, since most people would not have home-brew installed, so we needed to wrap it all up into the KStars App bundle to make it easier to use. So the drivers are built and bundled into the app now. They really can't be separated, since both KStars and the drivers depend on certain dynamic libraries that get bundled into the app and those libraries would not exist on your Mac outside of the app bundle unless you have home-brew, so they really do come together as one. A few years ago, we switched to craft to build everything because it is better suited for that purpose than home-brew, and it can certainly build the drivers now with no problem. The issue right now is that we are changing our craft recipes to update how it is done and get it working again with hopefully daily builds. But, we might have to update to QT6 as well. Home-brew is certainly also capable of building and installing all the library dependencies of the drivers, and then you could build the drivers. But I don't think I currently have a script set up to do that since craft has been working so much better for us overall.


Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Yes, it definitely works on Intel since I built the DMG on an Intel Mac and I use it on one.


Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Do you have a screenshot of the dialog? I haven't heard of "corrupt file" before as an error. Did it maybe download incorrectly? You might try downloading the DMG again.


Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Absolutely! All previous kstars versions are always available hosted on the indi website going back for a decent number of Versions.

You can just edit the numbers at the end of this download link and you should get the older versions. I am not sure if Jasem has a list somewhere. I do have a bunch of the dmg files that I built over the years archived if one or more are no longer hosted there, but the last time I checked, a bunch were there.


Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Yes, as indicated prior to this, unfortunately there was a craft (KDE Craft) issue when I built the DMG for the last version. The issue appeared to be that some code needed for KStars, specifically related to Qt Quick, was compiled on the Craft binary server in a way that it could only work on macOS Sonoma. It certainly would not be my intent to have KStars just work on Sonoma and I hope that we can resolve this, but after I returned from the Eclipse, when I tried to rebuild KStars and hopefully fix the issue, I found that the Craft binary cache had fully switched over to QT6, so to build with QT5 is now much more difficult. KStars has not updated to using QT6 yet, so when I tried to build a new DMG it took very very long and there was a problem. I did not have time to look into it at the time. I haven't had time to try again since then, sorry, so it might take some time to get a new DMG that will hopefully work on older versions of MacOS again. We might have to update everything to Qt6 before we can release another one, I am not sure yet.

Sorry about the delay. The good news is that a new recipe is in the works and daily builds will hopefully start up again soon, but we might have to resolve this QT6 issue before that happens.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    19. 07. 1980
  • About me
    Even though I am relatively young, I have been an astrophotographer for about 20 years. Within the last 5 years or so, I have taken my hobby to new heights. I built my own 10 inch telescope including grinding the mirror, bought a wide field newtonian for wider fields, acquired a much better mount to put them on (separately), got an SBIG camera for cooled CCD photos, modified a Canon XSi for better DSLR photos, and got lots of accessories. I have been doing all of my astrophotography with a Mac computer. I have basically made my own portable observatory, everything is carefully organized into boxes that I can load into my car in about 20 minutes. I take these things to dark skies and do lots of imaging at star parties.

    I found out about INDI in May 2016 when Pleiades Astrophoto sent me an email about including an INDI client in their software. When I investigated further, I found out about KStars and Ekos. I quickly realized that I could install everything on a Raspberry Pi, velcro that to my scope, and use VLC to configure it from my computer using wifi. I have implemented 2 modes. The first is using the Raspberry Pi as an INDI server and using my Laptop as a wireless client using either the EKOS VM (running KStars and Ekos) or PixInsight as the client software. The second is using KStars and Ekos on the Raspberry Pi and controlling everything through VNC. Both methods have allowed me to cut the cords, move to WIFI control, and make all USB connections shorter. The second method also allows me to put my computer to sleep after I have configured the PI to do all the work. All I have to do is check in once in awhile to make sure it is working properly. So far this experiment is going very well, but I did have to work out quite a few issues along the way. I have been keeping a couple of logs of everything I have done to make it work, however, which is very useful. There are still a few problems, but the system is fully functional. It is a good thing it is summer so I have time to work on this!

    The remarkable part is that you can automate your astrophotography setup, make the connection wireless, simplify the software by just running one program (KStars/Ekos) that runs it all, and you can make the connection to the devices separate from that program using INDIServer. (The last item is important because if KStars/Ekos were to crash, the devices would still be running on INDIServer.) And all of this will cost you around $100 including the Pi, a case, a 32 MB microSD card, the software, and a powered USB hub. There was a bit more work involved in setting it up and figuring it all out, but it was worth it.

    I am an:
    Amateur Astronomer
    Physics and Computer Science Teacher
    Delaware Astronomical Society Member
    Mt. Cuba Observatory Education Associate