Rob Lancaster replied to the topic 'Kstars 3.6.9' in the forum. 5 months ago

Sure, so originally when I was porting KStars to Mac, I always built the drivers and KStars with home-brew. When we started trying to distribute it to others, that was not going to work for many users, since most people would not have home-brew installed, so we needed to wrap it all up into the KStars App bundle to make it easier to use. So the drivers are built and bundled into the app now. They really can't be separated, since both KStars and the drivers depend on certain dynamic libraries that get bundled into the app and those libraries would not exist on your Mac outside of the app bundle unless you have home-brew, so they really do come together as one. A few years ago, we switched to craft to build everything because it is better suited for that purpose than home-brew, and it can certainly build the drivers now with no problem. The issue right now is that we are changing our craft recipes to update how it is done and get it working again with hopefully daily builds. But, we might have to update to QT6 as well. Home-brew is certainly also capable of building and installing all the library dependencies of the drivers, and then you could build the drivers. But I don't think I currently have a script set up to do that since craft has been working so much better for us overall.