I've made a start on doing some documentation for the ODROID-M1 GPIO's in the format used for the ESP32 @ randomnerdtutorials.com/esp32-pinout-reference-gpios/It's a work in progress but there does not appear to be a single reference document for the M1, to find the capabilities I was looking at posts on other topic's (and often other ODROID models).I've also placed an order for my 3rd version of a HAT for the M1 GPIO's after discovering some wrong assumptions (only a single 1-wire channel, PWM limited to 3 pins one of which is the default for 1-wire) in earlier versions.

Assuming no more incorrect assumptions the HAT should give me a two channel DEW controller with active dewpoint monitoring and temp monitoring from under the heater straps along with stepper motor control for focuser and camera rotator on the HAT.I did some preliminary testing with a DFROBOT Multifunctional Environment sensor using I2C (UART is an option) and was getting back readings from it's range of sensors. It has Temp, Humidity, air pressure, Ambient light and UV light sensors on board. I'm hoping that I can use it for some sky quality monitoring as well as dewpoint.

File Attachment:

File Name: ODROID-M1PinoutReference.rtf
File Size: 538 KB


My V1 of a HAT for the M1. I'm expecting some revisions will be required (especially tweaking trace widths) but am away soon for a bit so figured I'd get some boards made and test the basics with it.
Slightly wider than the M1 board which is not ideal. It has a 4 channel dew heater control and stepper drivers for a focuser and rotator on board. I could easily remove 2 dew heater channels for my use and retrieve some width in the board but for now it's mostly a learning exercise rather than an attempt to get the final board. I'd not opto isolated the FET circuits in the original Android version of this but have added it this time.

Not tried with this version but I have pondered putting some components upside down to see if a simplified version would fit in the official case with access via the back.
I have not done PCP mounted sockets for the 12V supply or I2C bus at this stage. I2C to talk to a Temp/Humidity sensor to measure ambient conditions. Headers on the board for both currently but version 2 will probably do that differently. I hope there are no I2C or 1-wire conflicts with the M1, I use both, Dallas 1-wire temp sensors under the heater straps to try and track heating.


Kevin it looks like you have done a bit with the ODROID GPIO's I've found the pinout for mine and am having a look at making an expansion board to incorporate Dew Heater Control (my old arduino version is documented at www.iceinspace.com.au/63-597-0-0-1-0.html ) and possibly a couple of stepper controllers for Focuser and longer term a rotator. I'm not happy that I understand the limitations (if any) on the GPIO's. I got a surprise as I dug into the GPIO's on the ESP32's and realized how many of them were not really usable for my purposes due to special requirements at boot. So afr I've not found anything for the ODROID that has me convinced that I understand limitations.

I'm thinking of starting a discussion on GPIO usage/resources but trying to workout where it would fit. I found your earlier Waveshare topic but I'm not thinking of just Focusers and Filter Wheels. Thoughts?


Rob as an FYI I've used your setupUbuntuSBC.sh script to do the setup on the ODROID M1. It seemed to run pretty well. I'm having an issue with a package upgrade but that is not related to your stuff. No real life observatory control as yet but solves ran nicely. I don't seem to have icons in the Ekos control buttons (I've seen that often but have not quite worked out what it is caused by).

Thanks again for your work in setting those scripts up.



I liked the Sata port as well. I may not use it but having it there might be useful in the future. I skipped the WiFi dongle as I'm expecting to be wired for observatory (and away from home) use. I may regret that but by the time I paid shipping and dealt with the exchange rate it was adding up. Threw some extra on 64GB eMMc storage though.


Kevin I've decided to try the 8GB ODROID-M1.


I think my lockup issues were memory related. I used the steps in Rob's file to add swap space and am running the System Monitoring Center (chewing extra resources but it's interesting). The build has run a lot further than previous attempts. I think this is a case of letting it run and see what tomorrow brings.


I have a mostly configured controller using a mix of Rob's script and some manual work. It's hooked up to my mount, focuser and two ZWO cameras and being accessed via realVNC Viewer from inside the house. I used the X11VNC Server which Rob's script sets up nicely. Weather is still mostly cloudy here at the moment so no actual Astrophotography work has been done yet.

My attempts to build both Kstars and phd2 were locking up the box for some reason once I got past some prerequisite installs.
I did a "sudo apt install kstars" and that appeared to get me to the point of having a functional Observatory control box. I wasn't able to install phd2 as it wanted a newer version of a library than was readily available. I use the built in guider so PHD2 was just to see what worked. I may revisit that at some point for the learning exercise.
The Uitilty scripts are not available for some reason, I was looking forward to some automation on the fixing of names for USB serial devices.

So far the T95 max boxes look like they could do the job in a pinch but have been difficult to get the install setup on and other's have pointed to some more powerful alternatives which may be better suited as an alternative to Raspberry Pi's.


Rob this is what I have so far. It's possible that in the back and forth I'm doing I've either missed noting a change or done unnecessary steps etc. Builds and compiles are still a thing that I'm not understanding to my satisfaction.
I will at some point recreate the original file and do a diff between it and what I'm running.
My build has been for a while stalling the box during the build of kstars so I'm still working away.
kstars seemed to be failing earlier on because of the dependency of stellarsolver on the qt5 pieces. I tried installing stellarsolver and later added the qt installs, kstars seems to get further but then began hitting the lock up issue.
zram service is failing but I've not looked into that yet.
I was seeing errors at one point when I reran the script with a permission error

I'm kicking off setupDebianSBC.sh from a wrapper script and think I'm capturing all the output to a log (happy to take advice if there is a better way of doing that).
sudo ./setupDebianSBC.sh 2>&1 | tee setupDebianSBC.log

I've added the following into my local copy at about line 60 to install items that appear to have shown up as missing (and included notes where changes have been made elsewhere). Some may have been optional but I'm trying to be able to build as much as possible.
BTW I also added an " @ $(date)" into the display routine to help me identify when things have really locked up.
############# My Addons
display "Running Bob Stephens add ons."
# libwxgtk3.0-dev has been renamed to libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev (PHD2 install)
# askubuntu.com/questions/1241217/package-...date-on-ubuntu-20-04
# Changed the call from git to https at git clone anongit.kde.org/kstars
# installs that didn't look like they needed to be done in place.
sudo apt -y install libkf5doctools-dev libkf5texteditor-dev libkf5kdelibs4support-dev
sudo apt -y install kdoctools5
sudo apt -y install libgtest-dev
sudo apt -y install libgmock-dev
sudo apt -y install oggfwd
sudo apt -y install libtheora-dev
# qt is used by the stellarsolver install and had issues in this build
sudo apt install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools


If I'm not running my operating system via a USB3 port then 2 usb ports is sufficient. I will have a look.


Rob I'm working through the errors I'm hitting and finding some packages which appear to have changed names etc. For instance libwxgtk3.0-dev no longer has a candidate but I found a note for Ubunto that it was renamed to libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev in Ubuntu 20.04 (askubuntu.com/questions/1241217/package-...date-on-ubuntu-20-04) and trying that name in the script it looks to be working.

Are you still maintaining the scripts and interested in the details once I've either finished or got as far as I can? If so how what is the best way to pass that on? I don't know that I'll stick with the T95 max long term, the ODroid N2+ looks pretty interesting but am finding the build process interesting and hopefully educational.


Rob I didn't end up with a functional system for some reason. I could not find kstars and the utilities scripts were missing as the most obvious bit's that failed. I do have a working x11vnc server. I don't know why the failures happened yet and am doing some play with what I have (installed kstars, building indilib from source etc) before restarting from a clean build with some extra logging running.
After an install of kstars some things started but Ekos failed trying to start up mount and ccd simulators.

I have most things running after some manual steps although Ekos crashes when I try and connect either of my ZWO ASI cameras.
Given how far I've got I might try the rebuild on the other box so I can keep playing while that runs.

Love what you have done here, I'm assuming it's an oddity with my setup .


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    27. 01. 1961
  • About me
    Hobies include Astronomy, sailing, bonsai, machining and learning.