Discourse seems to be pretty popular for a lot of open source projects. No idea how or why those projects chose discourse but siril, telescopius, libre.space, orekit, arduino ... are a few that come to mind.


Anyone see this sort wild oscillation on the DEC axis and know what might cause it? I've already done the obvious stuff like re-checking polar alignment, checking balance, checking for cable snags, and there's no wind.

My AVX is not overloaded; there's not even 4kg on it - Askar V 60mm (2.8kg) , ZWO EAF (0.3kg), ASI533 (0.5kg) - and the mount is rated for about 15kg. Control is via a StellarmateX, guiding is using the ekos internal guider. This also isn't a constant thing. Some nights I don't see the oscillation at all and some nights I do. I'm not using the GPG guider which only operates on the RA axis anyway, nor am I using any form of PEC.

Possibly a red herring, but one thing I've noticed is the drift plot flashing white for a brief moment, as if there is some sort of refresh delay somewhere. I don't see any thing in dmesg to indicate USB errors, nor indications of swapping in top.



Using an esp8266 or esp32 to control the motors would be entirety reasonable. Skywatcher does that in their Az-GTi/Az-GTe and probably the SA-GTi too.

Dwarf Lab uses a rockchip in their Dwarf2 smart telescope, and leans heavily on the NPU for object tracking. It's also Linux based but doesn't use indi.


Thanks. Mine was set to the default 600, but that also seems to have not aborted the extra long solve attempt illustrated above. I've set it to 60 now, and I'll leave logging turned on in case it happens again. It's pretty rare... maybe once a month it feels like.


Chris Kuethe replied to the topic 'StellarmateX on ThinClients' in the forum. 1 year ago

In the same way that autosport enthusiasts try to reduce rotating un-sprung mass, I've gotten away from putting anything on the OTA that doesn't absolutely need to be there.

Focuser, guider, filters, cameras ... absolutely that goes on the mount! Computer? Nope. Cables inside a sleeve weigh less. I have some expanding mesh that keeps all the cables bundled together, with velcro ties to hold stuff in place while still leaving enough slack in the right places for the mount to move but no so much that it can tangle.


Various linux distributors have opinions on which modules are good enough to be available by default. On ubuntu, they seem to inhibit watchdogs and "staging" (not production) quality drivers... that tends to include a lot of modern network devices.

So... look in
* /lib/modprobe.d
* /lib/modules-load.d
* /etc/modprobe.d
* /etc/modules-load.d
* /usr/lib/modprobe.d
* /usr/lib/modules-load.d

for files that refer to the device you're interested in. Some of these files inhibit automatically loading the driver, some of them just set default options (power saving, LEDs, etc.).

My stellarmate is running kernel 6.1.21 (use `uname -a` to check your version) and it looks like there's a compatible driver. Try `modprobe r8712u` and see if a new network device shows up


You may need to update your kernel. I had a similar issue with my "RTL88x2bu [AC1200 Techkey]" and Jasem advised me to use github.com/pimlie/ubuntu-mainline-kernel.sh to install a newer kernel - I went with 6.4.6.

After updating, I commented out the blacklists for the rtl88x2bu and it worked.

The internet tells me that "r8712u" is the driver for vid 0BDA pid 8172; and 'modinfo r8712u" on my system with kernel 6.4.6 seems to confirm it.


It's in the capture module, under limits


One thing I'd like to see is a time limit on solving. On rare occasions I see stellarsolver get hung up for a long time while trying to solve. If I stop the solution process and let the scheduler retry it succeeds right away. Even a blind solve shouldn't take that long.


PM'd you a link to a few focus runs.


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