Helge replied to the topic 'Dome control driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thanks for your info. You really seem to have started something. :cheer: I'm looking forward to see the results of that.

I just found out the other day that Kstars in the Windows version is not supporting plate solving. That was probably the final drop that will force me to leave Kstars and Indi all together. I really liked the idea of remote control and all the other features, but it seems like Kstars is primarily for Linux users and not so much for us Windowsers.
I have been testing Sequence Generator Pro in parallell with Kstars and it does very much the same things. It is not free and it does not have the same remote operation capabilities, but it is created for Windows and it works for me. I can remote operate it through TeamViewer though.
Seems like I have a spare RaspberryPi. :lol:


Helge replied to the topic 'Remote astrometry solver Howto?' in the forum. 8 years ago

And could you please also explain how to install astrometry.net on a Windows PC? What to download (and potentially how) and where to install?


Helge created a new topic ' Kstars/Ekos is crashing' in the forum. 8 years ago

I'm running kstars on a 64 bit windows PC and wIndy on a 32 bit PC.

I have accidentally shut down the indi server without disconnecting ekos first. This makes kstars crash.
Today while I was having lunch my 64 bit went into hibernate mode and the connection to the indi server was lost. There was a warning box on the screen telling me so. When I pressed OK on it, kstars crashed again.

Maybe something that somebody should look into?


Helge replied to the topic 'wINDI and connections' in the forum. 8 years ago

OK, I got it. I'm connected, but I do have a headache! :cheer:

One peculiar thing though: In the Indi server setup I have selected ASI camera 1, ZWO Filterwheel 1. For some reason, when I connect, Camea 2 and Filterwheel 2 is selected. Not that it matters much because I only have one camera and filter wheel, but it is strange. And things like these always make me wonder if everything is OK.
I'll give it another go tomorrow. My head is spinning.


Helge replied to the topic 'wINDI and connections' in the forum. 8 years ago

These are two windows PC's, both running W10, 32 bit laptop in the observatory, 64 bit in-house. There is no Linux involved.

I will try to find the firewall settings you're talking about. Meanwhile, would you be so kind and explain exactly where I can set that IP address in EKOS. I was kind of expecting that was incorrect, but could not find anywhere to change it.

When you say "Windows box", which PC are you referring to? In-house or observatory?

(Sorry for being a total noob here, but that is exactly what I am with these things!) :blush:
Explain it as to a 5 year old.


Helge replied to the topic 'wINDI and connections' in the forum. 8 years ago

Eric, I have a wired connection to my observatory although right now (for testing) the observatory PC is sitting just beside my in-house PC, also wired. And so is all my other gear, except the dome controller of course.
From my router I have a wired connection to a ZyXEL switch. Both PCs are connected through this switch. This will also be the case when I move the observatory PC back out there.


Helge replied to the topic 'wINDI and connections' in the forum. 8 years ago

This is the log file after pressing the Start button and the PNG file show the wINDI setup.

Since I'm in the house and not in the observatory, the dome will not connect of course. As I said above, I'm missing some status information in this respect.

I have no idea what I need to do/setup in EKOS as all information is geared towards Linux INDI. I cannot find any info of how to connect to wINDI.


Helge created a new topic ' wINDI and connections' in the forum. 8 years ago

Guys, I'm struggling!
I have installed wINDY on my PC in the observatory and found the drivers for the stuff I use. It would have been very nice with a pop-up window that lists the drivers/equipment that actually connected on startup, or a change in colour to indicate status. (There could be several reasons why equipment did not connect as I see it.)
I want to connect Kstars/Ekos from my in-house PC to this PC, but I'm not able to. So most likely I'm doing something wrong, but I have not found much help in the help files. The wINDY log file says it's listening on Is this correct? If not, what should it be and where to change it?

In EKOS, should I create a profile for all my equipment or don't I have to? It would not be complete as several drivers is missing in EKOS anyway.

When I try to remote connect, the connection fails. The port is correct though.

Any ideas, gents?

Finally, should astrometry files be installed on the pc in the observatory or on the one hosting Kstars?


Helge replied to the topic 'Dome control driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

Peter, I have decided not to use the Pi (for now). Since I need to have the windows PC in the observatory anyway the Pi sort of lost its advantage. I can not run everything from it anyway.
My current idea is to run everything except the dome from wINDY. The dome is slaved to the telescope in the Ascom driver so it should move according to the scope position. I don't really need any separate dome control or movement.
Do you think that this may work?


Helge replied to the topic 'Dome control driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

And I'm very glad for all your help, thank you.

I will start working on this now and see if I can get everything connected and up and running. Wish me luck. :-)

I'll keep in mind to start an new topic if required.


Helge replied to the topic 'Dome control driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

OK, seems I'm getting close now.
One final (or probably not) question. If some equipment is hosted by astro PC and some from Pi, would I then need two USB hubs with a cable from both astro PC and Pi or could I route one through the other or how would that work?

Could I omit the Pi all together (for now) and host everything on the astro PC? The Pi sort of lost its pre when I still need a windows PC out there. I could come back to it when/if applicable drivers are developed or if I change out equipment.


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    Will do this later.