Helge replied to the topic 'Dome control driver' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thanks for your info. You really seem to have started something. :cheer: I'm looking forward to see the results of that.

I just found out the other day that Kstars in the Windows version is not supporting plate solving. That was probably the final drop that will force me to leave Kstars and Indi all together. I really liked the idea of remote control and all the other features, but it seems like Kstars is primarily for Linux users and not so much for us Windowsers.
I have been testing Sequence Generator Pro in parallell with Kstars and it does very much the same things. It is not free and it does not have the same remote operation capabilities, but it is created for Windows and it works for me. I can remote operate it through TeamViewer though.
Seems like I have a spare RaspberryPi. :lol: