James Taylor replied to the topic 'Astroberry Server' in the forum. 7 years ago

Are there any settings in the Astroberry config.txt files associated with over-clocking that have been set? When I had set up my Pi3 with INDI/EKOS a year ago, I overclocked my Pi3 and found some slight gains in the image captures. I see that force_turbo is set to 1. Before I toy with settings, I wanted to check to see if that will be an issue. Normally, the force turbo is commented out and it's at whatever the default is.


James Taylor replied to the topic 'Astroberry Server' in the forum. 7 years ago

Helge, thanks and - yes, I tried wlanconf via terminal both with and without GUI as well as trying to do it via the icon on the desktop. I have all of my ip addresses, etc. configured correctly. I know this, because I have my local network very well mapped/configured and have the Astroberry connecting to my laptop and Mac via VNC, SSH over the astroberry wireless server and as well as using Ethernet direct between the Pi3 and my laptop. What's missing is that my router cannot see the wireless router on the Pi3 and when I run wlanconf, the option to select a wireless network is missing or I get an error. I can provide screen shots later if you're interested in looking into it further.
Is it possible that having astroberry server running on through wireless is preventing the Pi from attempting to acces any other wireless network? Perhaps I should shut down the server and try it? I'm afraid to do that right now.

Frankly, this isn't as big an issues as I might be making it seem because I really have no reason to connect my astroberry to my local network unless I'm updating something and I'll use ehternet for that. The astroberry server is working fine and connecting to my field laptop both wirelessly and via an enternet cable connecting directly for wireless ops - so I'm pretty happy with it at the moment. I just represents a mystery I'd like to understand.


AtM wrote: Apart from that, your Pi3 power supply also needs to cater for this 1.2A, on top of the usage of the Pi itself (another 1A or so?). Better select a beefy PSU then that can also handle the peak currents.

Nice little mod to that Pi box! I use those Buck converters for a lot of stuff; my wiring harness is full of them but that's nice idea on where to hide one. Thanks for sharing!


Thanks, Rob. I know I really won't just give up - not my style. I'm just powering through a disappointment, I guess. I did get back onto Astroberry this evening and got past the certificate issue and it's connecting and running remotely. So I suppose I'll be test driving it this weekend when the wx is supposed to be bad.


James Taylor replied to the topic 'Astroberry Server' in the forum. 7 years ago

I got past that connection not private screen this evening! I had to open the Keychain program on my Mac and import the certificate from there. It wasn't installing when I simply clicked on your link. I was VNC'ing in before but now I'm getting in directly with the browser.

Next question. When I attempt to connect to my home WiFi by using the wlan setup (either via command line or by using the GUI on the desktop), the dropdown area that should be showing networks I can connect to is grayed out and I can't select a network or type one in. Any idea's on that?


wvreeven: Hey, I appreciate the helpful attitude - I really do. To answer your question: Orion Atlas EQ-G using EQMOD. SSAG guider on a 50x240mm guide scope with either an Astrotech ATRC8 or AT111ETD scope and a modified Canon 6D. I do have (and use) an ASI120MC myself at times for guiding and planetary imaging. In this instance, I'm using all the latest, standard drivers that come with Indi/Ekos installed on a Pi3 using (in two separate test instances) AstroPi3 from rlancaste and Astroberry Server from Kaczorek. I can't speak at this point for anything beyond running my camera. When Ekos crashed after playing with my 6D for about 15 minutes, I just shook my head and unplugged the Pi. I just am not willing to spend clear skies fumbling about getting it all working; I don't get enough of them to waste them. I know I can get the thing working; I've done it before. I'm just not wiling to put the time into it anymore. My previous post was just me expressing my upset over that. I really was hoping it would have progressed to a truly turn-key setup with no requirement to go fishing for solutions to problems.

I appreciate your interest in helping, but I'm afraid I'm not going to put any more time into it at this point.
James Taylor


OK, well, here's my data dump. And before I start, please do not take any of what I'm about to write as an attempt to Poo-poo this effort. I put hours and hours into this over the last year myself, so I get it. But here's where I am, personally.

I tried the Astropi3 install and ran into issues that I think I shouldn't have. I then tried the Astroberry image and it went fine at first but then all the icons on the OS went away when i started it up the next day and I re-started from scratch. Then, my browser complained about security certificates when I tried to follow the connection instructions given, so I couldn't connect. VNC viewer/server did work, so that's good and I pressed on from there but I don't think I would have known to try that if I didn't already have some experience messing with this system. Once I got the thing working, I connected my Canon 6D to EKOS and gave it a test drive. Within minutes I had a crash of some kind with EKOS. That's unacceptable to me. I wasn't doing anything funny and I am more familiar with the EKOS system that a total noobie would be that's trying to make this work for the first time. So, I simply gave up at that point - not worth it.

The reality for me is this......I've been using Astrophotography Tool for over two years now and it has astrometry tools embedded, etc. I point my scope, it plate-solves, syncs the scope, aims at the target on its own and off I go. I use EQMOD for my scope and PHD2 guiding along with Carte Du Ceil as my planetarium software. I have never had a problem with this setup. I installed the software, followed the instructions and have never had a crash or failure of any of the programs. The only issues I've ever had were hardware issues having to do with too many thing running off of an un-powered USB hub. This coming from someone that didn't know what he was doing when he set it all up the first time. Only down side was that it wasn't a handy-dandy package I could simply install and get going; which is what I think this effort is supposed to be all about. I don't have the luxury of an observatory setup so I have to be mobile and things need to work. I don't have an auto-focuser, either, so there's little point in having a completely remote operation. So as I sit here and pull my hair out over Indi/Ekos and pour a lot of time into trying to make it all work, I just can't risk my rare opportunities out under the stars trying to make something work that's not 100% and prone to glitches. I use remote desktop or VNC server to run my scope from in the house when it's too cold to sit outside and that works just fine. I love the whole INDI/EKOS concept and REALLY want to make it work! I'm all about technology and remote applications, etc. but even after over a year of progress/effort, I still can't simply install an OS onto my Pi3, plug in my equipment and get it working without headaches. I'm having a really hard time justifying the time spent.

My hat is off to all of you for your work and effort on this project as well as your help to me as I have struggled through this. I'm just left frustrated as to why this still isn't as fool-proof and user friendly as I believe it should be by now.

Again, I'm not intending to flame any efforts here. I just needed to vent out of frustration over something I REALLY wanted to make work and still can't.


James Taylor replied to the topic 'Astroberry Server' in the forum. 7 years ago

I'm having the same issue. I've tried Google Chrome and Explorer and I get the same connection not private issues. I'm certain it's something in my security settings but I don't know what. I started Astroberry from scratch and it loaded fine on the Pi and then I went to my laptop to connect per the instructions for setting up the connection and get that same screen. Dead end at that point.


OK, I tried the script this evening. I suppose I'm the perfect test idiot because I haven't touched this stuff in over a year and couldn't be more butter-fingered.

Installed Ubuntu Mate on the SD card and installed it in my Pi3. So good so far. Ran your commands to download your script and ran it. Seemed to run OK. I said yes to the VNC server and static IP stuff and said No to updating Firefox.

After it was all said and done, I have issues. Kstars is missing icons. I saw some posts on another thread about that, so I think I can resolve that issue if I'm on the right track there.

VNC server is running but I can't make it happy when I try to connect. It's telling me my user name or password are incorrect. I'm using the user name and password that the Pi uses for me to log on. Does it want something different?

Firefox isn't working.

I'm sure it's more than possible I screwed something up - it seems to be working for others. I'm going to re-install Ubuntu Mate fresh and try it again and see what happens. But I can say that it didn't do a fool-proof install for me, although it did get everything on the Pi as far as I can tell. I'm just having a couple issues that could easily be my fault.


Hey, Rob! After being away a while, I noticed this thread got a re-boot. I haven't touched Indi/Ekos in over a year; too many other things on my plate and I ran into just enough problems with EKOS getting a sync through the plate solver that I went back to my PC setup and put this aside. However, I saw your script deal and I'm anxious to start a fresh attempt from scratch with your script and see how it all comes out! Hopefully I'll find time in the next month or two to give it a try under some sky - I'll let you know how it turns out when I do.

Thanks for the effort.


James Taylor replied to the topic 'Manual Focusing' in the forum. 8 years ago

u2pilotjt wrote:

It certainly seems like that's what's happening on the screen. I don't know if the screen is simply being zoomed or if the incoming signal is being digitally zoomed (or even if that makes sense). It looks like the resolution when zoomed is better than I would expect it to be if the screen is simply being magnified.

I looked at the APT forums and it seems that the zoom is a hardware zoom and a function of the the camera; it's not a software zoom specifically. I don't have a clue about how it's done but he does say that he's limited to 5X and 10X on a DSLR. Unfortunately, I have no clue beyond that. On an un-zoomed live view, you can click on a spot on the screen and it will make that the ROI and then you can zoom 5x or 10x on that spot.


James Taylor replied to the topic 'Manual Focusing' in the forum. 8 years ago

It certainly seems like that's what's happening on the screen. I don't know if the screen is simply being zoomed or if the incoming signal is being digitally zoomed (or even if that makes sense). It looks like the resolution when zoomed is better than I would expect it to be if the screen is simply being magnified.


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