James Taylor replied to the topic 'Astroberry Server' in the forum. 7 years ago

Helge, thanks and - yes, I tried wlanconf via terminal both with and without GUI as well as trying to do it via the icon on the desktop. I have all of my ip addresses, etc. configured correctly. I know this, because I have my local network very well mapped/configured and have the Astroberry connecting to my laptop and Mac via VNC, SSH over the astroberry wireless server and as well as using Ethernet direct between the Pi3 and my laptop. What's missing is that my router cannot see the wireless router on the Pi3 and when I run wlanconf, the option to select a wireless network is missing or I get an error. I can provide screen shots later if you're interested in looking into it further.
Is it possible that having astroberry server running on through wireless is preventing the Pi from attempting to acces any other wireless network? Perhaps I should shut down the server and try it? I'm afraid to do that right now.

Frankly, this isn't as big an issues as I might be making it seem because I really have no reason to connect my astroberry to my local network unless I'm updating something and I'll use ehternet for that. The astroberry server is working fine and connecting to my field laptop both wirelessly and via an enternet cable connecting directly for wireless ops - so I'm pretty happy with it at the moment. I just represents a mystery I'd like to understand.