Hi Higor, just came across this one, it still bugs me that with my Nikon D3200 I cannot take exposure beyond 20 seconds, via USB. Reading your posts it sounds like you found a solution? I.e. a newer version of the gphotolib does the job? I am not very good in Ubuntu, but can you kindly advise on the steps necessary?


Hi everyone,

Wanted to ask the following: this focuser can be accessed via wifi - probably I should know but can I connect the focuser to EKOS also via wifi (instead of usb cable)?

Many thanks, Helge


Helge created a new topic ' Image Geometry mismatch' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I have seen related posts but did not find an answer: images taken with my Nikon DSLR have the raw dimensions w: 5600 and h: 3728, for lights I have taken in the field directly with the camera. Back at home, done the flats via Ekos have slightly deviating dimensions. I cannot amend the dimensions in the capture module, even if I update the image settings in the control section to match the camera dimensions. This causes an error at PixInsight when trying to calibrate the raw files with the flats generated in Ekos.

What can I do?

Best, Helge


Helge replied to the topic 'eqmod communication error' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thanks for your recommendation. I double-checked the configuration - and it turned out the bind command was missing! No idea how it happened, but at the end, easy to resolve.

btw : I do the binding upon start via modification of the bluetooth.service file

(I still follow the procedure once shared by "tseckler" for the shoestring bluetooth adapter.)


Hi Franck, hi Paul,

thanks for the updates - it is a while ago since I was using the driver / focuser. I have to admit that I got frustrated with the mechanical part of the focuses and removed all parts that I do not really need from the scope... one day I will give it another try! :-)

Best, Helge


Helge replied to the topic 'eqmod communication error' in the forum. 5 years ago


I am connecting to my eq5 (AZ-EQ5) mount via Shoestring Bluetooth Adapter (BT2EQ5) for two years, now I cannot get the mount connected:

EQMod Mount : "[ERROR] Failed to connect to port (/dev/rfcomm0). Error: Port failure Error: No such file or directory. Check if device is connected to this port.

Compared to last time when it was working, I was running the regular updates, including KStars / INDI drivers.

I have attached the log file.

Would be great if anyone has an idea how to resolve / get back on track!

Best, Helge


Hi Greg, can you let me know which setting for the gain you have chosen? Best, Helge


I am running Ekos on this miniPC, which has USB 3:


I am accessing Ekos / the miniPC via realVNC from the tablet.


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