I still cannot make a relation between my INDI Touptek Driver 2.1 and your numbers. But I see at lunchpad that some drivers may be old. Because there was no feedback which leads to a solution, we decided to drive 2 hours to our remote site and get back the computer. I made a fresh install to linuxmint 21.3 (was 20.x), installed INDI new from ppa and now the camera works.


What do you mean with 55 series. I am not a developer, just an astronomer.

Today we changed USB3 cables and power supply. No change. Still not working. Is there a suggested driver.


No, we have not solved it yet. The camera is on a remote site. This doubles this troubles. Our next try is to replace the USB cables, which were fine for our previously used ASI183-


Thanks for help, but I tried it before.
It crashed either. Maybe it is the same code.



I got a new CMOS (Omegon vtec571 = ToupTek ATR3CMOS26000KMA). The INDI Touptek (2.1) driver crashed immediately. I have generated a logfile. What can I do?


There was an update via ppa several hours later that fixed that behavour.
Thanks Jarno for your fast reply, sorry, but I do not understand much of your answer, technically,
Is your recommendation to disable automatic updates to prevent such outages. The sky was clear, and nothing worked.
What should I do


my PC in our remote observatory received a INDI update. After this, the ASI Driver does not start anymore.
What can I do?


remote@shuttle:~$ indiserver
2023-12-03T17:25:26: startup: indiserver
Usage: indiserver [options] driver [driver ...]
Purpose: server for local and remote INDI drivers
INDI Library: 2.0.5
Code 2.0.5-tgz. Protocol 1.7.

remote@shuttle:~$ indiserver indi_asi_ccd
2023-12-03T17:20:49: startup: indiserver indi_asi_ccd
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #0
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #1
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #2
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #3
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #4
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #5
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: stderr EOF
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #6
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #7
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #8
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: restart #9
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: indi_asi_ccd: symbol lookup error: indi_asi_ccd: undefined symbol: _ZNK4INDI13PropertyBasicI8_INumberEixEl
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: read: Connection reset by peer
2023-12-03T17:20:49: Driver indi_asi_ccd: Terminated after #10 restarts.
2023-12-03T17:20:49: good bye


Hello Forum,
I need help troubleshooting this issue.
My filter wheel is fully populated in sequence: L, R, G, B, Ha, OIII, SII.
Every time I start INDILib, this setting is lost. I have to press LOAD in the INDI driver to repopulate the filter names.
What should I do?


Danke Joachim, der Trick ist cool, warum ich da selber nicht drauf gekommen ist. Leider sind die Motoren bei mir gelötet :-(
Aber mein Problemfokussier ist gesteckt :-)
Danke, dann bleib ich bei Version 1 und dem Moonlite Driver.


Sorry Corazon, my english is poor. I mean to set a position, so to tell the focuser that it is at position 5000. Not to drive to a position.


Thanks Stash,
I know Mr. Brown, but the driver is not from him, I suppose. I flashed mine to version 2 but it does not work. Maybe my drivers are old.


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