Thanks, Hy Murveit, I appreciate your help!

I tried both, with and without Quick HFR, with no noticable effect. Also, my HFR Profile is very similar to yours (see screenshot). So there must be something else behind this. As soon as weather allows it (very rarely these days), I'll do some more tests and keep you posted.



I had a similar problem but in the end it turned out to be the HFR calculation (have you switched that on by chance?). For some strange reason this took up to 5-10 seconds on a relatively powerful Mini-PC. I only figured it our by looking into the logs.


Benjamin Winkel replied to the topic 'ToupTek USB download speed' in the forum. 1 year ago

Hi all,

another newcomer here. First of all, let me thank you very much for this great piece of software, which I enjoy very much.

As the OP, I have very slow download speeds with this camera (I have the TS version, which is a clone of the original ToupTek version, if I'm not mistaken). Coincidentally, I own the same MiniPC with the same Celeron J4124. I got download speeds of about 2 seconds. Before that, I used a 2-GB(!) AstroBerry and there it only took 0.7 seconds.

I tried different USB cables, also very expensive ones, and tried it with a (powered) hub, but also by directly connecting it to the MiniPC. There was no measurable difference in speed.

My system is also very similar to that of OP:

  • Ubuntu 22.10
  • KStars 3.6.5 Stable Build: 2023-07-04T12:50:58Z
  • indi_toupcam_ccd driver Version 2.1.
  • Camera model is ATR3CMOS26000KPA

I also want to note, that I own another ToupTek camera, which I use for Guiding, the G2M178C. This is also relatively slow. Even with 2x2 binning it takes more than 1 sec, although I'm not sure, if the binning properly works, as it complains sometimes that 2x2 binning is not supported (this is a relatively recent message). Relatively frequently, this camera fails with an exposure timeout. (At least once per hour on average.)

Best regards


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    27. 01. 1978
  • About me
    I'm a professional astronomer (specialized in radio astronomy), Python developer, and spectrum manager (fighting to keep the sky dark and quiet)