robert rouse created a new topic ' Eqmod driver and PHD2' in the forum. 5 months ago

sorry not sure if this is the right forum to ask this questiion, but I have just upgraded my Skywatcher EQ5 mount with the SynScan Pro GOTO upgrade Kit

I am running Astroberry on a Raspberry Pi, the mount and camera all connect ok and I can slew to objects in Kstars, but when I try to create a new profile in PHD2 using the wizard, my mount is not listed, the only help with PHD2 that I can find states there is a problem with the driver, so I thought that I would go back to the start to see if I have everything set up correctly

When I set up a new profile for the upgraded mount I selected PHD2 as the guiding program, is there anything else I need to check in the profile setup ?, I have tried starting PHD2 first and after launching Kstars and Ekos with the same result, the only odd thing that I have noticed is that when I click to run the new profile a message pops up stating that an instance of INDI server is running and will be closed automatically, when this message closes all is working, not sure if this means anything
Thanks for your help
Skywatcher EQ5 SynScan Pro GOTO mount
Astroberry running on Raspberry Pi connected to mount with EQMOD cable in place of hand controller
ZWO Asi120mc-s guide camera
Canon 40D camera


robert rouse created a new topic ' Internal Guider' in the forum. 1 year ago

I am having some problems with my first attempt at using the internal guider, when guiding the drift plot is moving outside of the red zone, the RMS ranged from 14 to 1.45, could someone suggest some setting changes to try please

I am using the Telescope simulator as my mount is not go-to (see below), so I can do plate solving, not sure if I need to check any settings here and the guide module, I have good results for 30 sec images using just the tracking on the mount, and I had been using a Synguider connected to the handset via ST4 cable for 3min exposures, with round stars, but I was getting walking noise and there is no option to dither, so I wanted to give astroberry a try, when the synguider was working the handset was flashing like tapping out Morse code, but with the internal guider there was just intermittent flashes, so I assume I need more aggressive control, I had the exposure for the guide camera at 1.5sec, any lower and I was loosing the guide stars, not sure if that effects the timing of the guide pulses.

Thanks for your help
Skywatcher EQ5 Delux with enhanced dual axis motor drive
Mini guide scope with ZWO ASI120MC-S connected to handset via ST4 cable
Skywatcher Star Travel 120mm with Canon 40D



I checked that I had downloaded the required and recommended index files, and the field of view was correct, all ok, then did not use sync to align the mount, but plate solving still failed.
After doing a internet search to check what the plate solving settings mean, I noticed an article that suggested unticking use scale and use position under the Scale and Position tab, after doing this plate solving worked, so not sure if it is ok, but I will leave these unticked and when there is a clear sky try again, so I hope problem solved


Hi AstroMuni
Thanks for the reply, I am only just starting to use Astroberry, so not sure what I need to do, ref a load and slew, do I have to take an image ready for plate solving, or can I test it inside, as the weather is rubbish at the moment, may get a window to try next week !



Thank you,
that's a lot of information, and some great points that I need to work through, the weather has been cloudy for a while, so will have to wait before I can try again, at least I will have some time to play with the settings to make some notes, before venturing outside again

you have been a great help
thanks again


I have a Sky-Watcher EQ5 Delux mount with dual axis enhanced motor drive, which is not a go-to, so the mount is set as simulated, I wanted to do plate solving then manually move the mount to find my target, but I am not sure how to set up the simulated mount so plate solving will work, I have been roughly pointing at the target and taking a image in the plate solving tab, but it fails, there is a red message that there is an error of about 190 degrees, in Kstars the pointer is near Polaris, do I need to alter the mount position somehow so it is nearer my target


robert rouse replied to the topic 'Saving Images to DSLR' in the forum. 1 year ago

Thanks Jean-Luc, a great help



robert rouse replied to the topic 'Plate solving' in the forum. 1 year ago

As an update, I tried taking some images during the day to see what happens, picture was fine in the camera tab, when I tried the plate solving tab It kept crashing when trying to load the image, I ended up restarting astroberry, I then did manage to take an image for plate solving, it did load and looked the same, so perhaps it was a glitch and I will try again when the sky clears.

Not sure if it is connected but I noticed that the camera is listed as Canon EOS 40D(PTP Mode), I did a search and found that on the older model Canon cameras, you have to select normal mode instead of PTP mode under camera settings, but the option is not available on the newer models, so not sure if PTP Mode is ok, or I need to change something


robert rouse replied to the topic 'Plate solving' in the forum. 1 year ago

Eli Ron

sorry did not give you much information, everything is off at the moment but I am using a Sky watcher Star Travel 120mm refactor, can't remember what the field of view was, the images that I took as a test in the camera tab are fine, but in the plate solving tab, it shows just the centre of the image when compared to them


robert rouse replied to the topic 'Plate solving' in the forum. 1 year ago

Hi Fitchie, sorry can't do a screen dump as yet, I did not make a note of the message, and it is cloudy outside at the moment, looks like it will be like this for a while, will try again when it is clear, just thought I would try and get some tips for my next attempt


robert rouse created a new topic ' Plate solving' in the forum. 1 year ago

I am having trouble with plate solving, this was my very first attempt at using it, so as a test I took an image centred on Sadr using a Canon 40D with Astroberry on a Raspberry Pi 4, but the image looks like its zoomed in, with a large star at its centre but nothing else, I also get an error message that there are not enough stars in the image, I have tried altering the exposure but the images all look the same, dark and only one large star, can you give me some pointers please.


robert rouse created a new topic ' Saving Images to DSLR' in the forum. 1 year ago

I am just starting out with Astroberry, so far I have managed to take a short sequence of shots using my Canon EOS 40D, with Astroberry on a Raspberry Pi 4, but the images were saved on the Pi and not on the camera, I did select local in Ekos in the camera tab under save, I have read that this is done by default, does anyone know what I need to do to store the images on my camera as well


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    25. 02. 1960
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    starting out trying to learn about astronomy