robert rouse created a new topic ' Internal Guider' in the forum. 1 year ago

I am having some problems with my first attempt at using the internal guider, when guiding the drift plot is moving outside of the red zone, the RMS ranged from 14 to 1.45, could someone suggest some setting changes to try please

I am using the Telescope simulator as my mount is not go-to (see below), so I can do plate solving, not sure if I need to check any settings here and the guide module, I have good results for 30 sec images using just the tracking on the mount, and I had been using a Synguider connected to the handset via ST4 cable for 3min exposures, with round stars, but I was getting walking noise and there is no option to dither, so I wanted to give astroberry a try, when the synguider was working the handset was flashing like tapping out Morse code, but with the internal guider there was just intermittent flashes, so I assume I need more aggressive control, I had the exposure for the guide camera at 1.5sec, any lower and I was loosing the guide stars, not sure if that effects the timing of the guide pulses.

Thanks for your help
Skywatcher EQ5 Delux with enhanced dual axis motor drive
Mini guide scope with ZWO ASI120MC-S connected to handset via ST4 cable
Skywatcher Star Travel 120mm with Canon 40D