
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Dome control driver

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Replied by Helge on topic Dome control driver

Thanks, I'll have a look.
7 years 8 months ago #13507

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Replied by Helge on topic Dome control driver

Thanks for all the info and your efforts.
The reason I started bothering you guys is that I saw Jasem's demo on the Astro Imaging channel. I thought it looked rater cool and I was hoping that I could do everything from this piece software, including remote control of the equipment from my house. So I got a Pi for x-mas and today (finally) I have installed Kstars, Indi and whatever else on it following the tutorial I found here on the site. I have also installed Ekos om my main computer indoors. This is a 64 bit.
With Indy I'm, missing the dome driver and also the focuser (JMI PCFC) I can't find a driver for. I have looked at some tutorials for Linux drivers. They are not meant for me. I will not go there.
fcaserra, I will have a look at your proposal, but then I would probably need a 64 bit PC out in the observatory beside the Pi. I don't have that. I do have a 32 bit "astro pc" which is currently running all my astro programs. This one will be located in the observatory and remote controlled by Team Viewer or similar. This was at least my original idea before I heard about Ekos.
Meanwhile I've been looking at Sequence generator pro which also can do "everything". It's not free though, but right now it seems like a better solution for me.
I'll get back to you if I change my mind and find an acceptable solution, but until then thanks for all help and support.
Does anybody need a Pi? :)
7 years 8 months ago #13551

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You can use the 32 bit "astro pc" in the observatory for ASCOM drivers and a Pi for INDI drivers, and connect both by LAN to your 64 bit PC with Ekos without problems.

You must install INDI server for windows in the 32 bit pc and chain it to the INDI server in Pi, so when you connect from Ekos you see all devices together.
Take a look to this tutorial:
7 years 8 months ago #13554

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Replied by Radek Kaczorek on topic Dome control driver

I believe there are two options:
1) Get one of this micro PCs e.g. MODECOM FreePC to put it in the observatory with ASCOM driver on it.
2) Fight for getting linux driver by reverse engineering communication to your control board and windows machine

Quite recently I have developped a driver for Quantum Filter Wheel with no documentation whatsoever. First, I connected it to windows machine with ACSOM drivers and software. Second, I ran Wireshark to sniff USB connection (UART) while controlling the wheel from ASCOM. This gave me information of what control packets are sent over USB to trigger each action. Third, I developped the driver for INDI, using control commands sniffed in the previous step. Now it's available in main repo and it makes Quantum Filer Wheel users happy, I hope ;-)

Choose your destiny. It takes some significant afford to go the second path but I believe it's worth doing this.
7 years 8 months ago #13555

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Replied by Helge on topic Dome control driver

fcasarra, this looks interesting. Not sure that I understood every bit of it, but I get the general concept.
On my "astro pc" I would host the dome driver and the focuser driver. Assume that also EQ mod for the NEQ6 mount since dome and mount movement are related?
The Pi I would host ASI 1600 and ASI filter wheel drivers. That reminds me that I did not notice a driver for my Orion guide camera. I'll check that tomorrow.
No matter what is hosted where, all could be operated from Ekos on my in house PC, correct?

Kaczorek, i'm nowhere near your level of expertise with regards to what you describe. I will not vaste my time going down that route. :-)
7 years 8 months ago #13566

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That's right. You can spread drivers over as many machines (PC, Pi, ...) you want and control all them from a single PC by chaining the INDI servers as described in the tutorial.

Looking at INDI server for Windows page (www.cloudmakers.eu/windi/) seems there is not a Dome wrapper to see the Dome as an INDI device (only Telescope, CCD, Focuser and filter wheel are available), but using the ASCOM telescope and dome drivers you could sync both, but you can't control the dome from Ekos. You must operate your dome by connecting to the windows PC with Team Viewer. Not perfect but it can work.

I have no experience with INDI server for windows, but seems the way to go.
7 years 8 months ago #13582

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Replied by Helge on topic Dome control driver

Ok, thanks for the explanation. As you say, that won't be perfect.
Question is, how much specific dome operations do I actually need. The dome will be slaved to the telescope. When the telescope moves, the dome moves. At least it does today.
The procedure would be like this (in my head):
1. Power up the observatory including astro PC and Pi.
2. Manually start the dome driver on the astro PC, slave dome to telescope.
3. Start Ekos on the in house PC
4. Remote connect to astro PC and Pi (How is not all clear to me yet)
5. Connect to all the equipment (would this be the "Start INDI" button in Ekos?)
6. Start imaging (including a lot of smaller steps like focusing, plate solving etc).
Does this procedure seem OK or have I missed/misunderstood anything?
I have a cabled LAN to the observatory. I can also reach it by WiFi I think.

I downloaded the INDI server for windows, but my anti virus sent the file to main virus lab for investigation. It won't let me start it right now. I will have a reply in a couple of hours. I'm sure it's OK though.
7 years 8 months ago #13586

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That's it.

For step 4., to chain PC devices to Pi, you need to start PC INDI server first and when starting INDI server on Pi, point to PC devices like the tutorial explains (indilib.org/support/tutorials/159-indi-on-multiple-devices.html)

For example, PC server has 2 devices:
indiserver -m 100 -vv indi_robo_focus indi_asi_ccd

And after, Pi server chains to this 2 devices:
indiserver -m 100 -v indi_joystick indi_eqmod_telescope indi_gphoto_ccd "RoboFocus"@astropi "ZWO CCD ASI120MC"@astropi

The syntaxis device@machine instructs indiserver to look for this device in another machine.

Now if you connect Ekos to Pi server, it will see all the devices together, as it was a single server.
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7 years 8 months ago #13588

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Replied by Helge on topic Dome control driver

OK, seems I'm getting close now.
One final (or probably not) question. If some equipment is hosted by astro PC and some from Pi, would I then need two USB hubs with a cable from both astro PC and Pi or could I route one through the other or how would that work?

Could I omit the Pi all together (for now) and host everything on the astro PC? The Pi sort of lost its pre when I still need a windows PC out there. I could come back to it when/if applicable drivers are developed or if I change out equipment.
7 years 8 months ago #13589

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Yes, you can omit Pi if you have ASCOM driver for all your devices and are only Telescopes, CCDs, Focusers and filter wheels. Other drivers are not wrapped for INDI use.

If you use both PC and Pi you will need 2 USB hubs, in no enough USB ports are available in the PC or wiring simplicity requires it. You can't route USB from one to another, as far as I know.

More questions will come for sure. Glad to help you.

Maybe is better to start another topic for future questions, if they are not related to "Dome control driver". This way you can attract the attention of other users with more experience about INDI server for Windows.
7 years 8 months ago #13590

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Replied by Helge on topic Dome control driver

And I'm very glad for all your help, thank you.

I will start working on this now and see if I can get everything connected and up and running. Wish me luck. :-)

I'll keep in mind to start an new topic if required.
7 years 8 months ago #13592

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Replied by Peter Polakovic on topic Dome control driver

This is not the way to go. Dome control probably depends on "snoop" feature and it will not work in this case. That's why I surrendered dome driver wrapper implementation in wINDI. Peter
7 years 8 months ago #13593

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