KStars/EKOS crashing when imaging; Astroberry, RPi 4-4GB


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I've solved (or it appears I have solved) the issue for my setup.
All the pre-mentioned memory issues still appear to occur, but I have a solution that will "fix" the issue for me at this time.
Whilst I know the fix isn't solving the issue, I'm hoping that it makes it known that I've found an issue and able to get around the problem.
As previous, I note the usage in specific elements of RAM going up (mainly cache) when imaging with KStars/EKOS/Indi on RPi4 (4GB). It might be those with 8GB models don't see the issue as there's more resource to 'lose', but there are then later times when the software crashes with no obvious issue at the front end.
Through reading about different memory allocations, etc on Linux and my limited scripting abilities, I've written a script that outputs the memory usage every second or so for reference. This script was also updated several times and eventually finalised with one that will force a memory purge by the system, should the resources available become too little.
Prior to the memory purge, I could run the EKOS simulators and cause the software to crash, similar to the real-life imaging that I was experiencing earlier in the year (before the clocks changed and imaging conditions became a bit too short!).
I'm more familiar with Matlab coding and wrote a script that will take the text file and output the data in a numerical format to plot it and have the following after a 12hour simulation session (15k images obtained). Sure enough, one can see that the memory is purged sevaral times throughout the simulation, but I do not suffer from any crash - I ran this prior and ended up filling the 128GB µSD card with simulation images in one go, so very happy that at least I've something that will work.

Can an admin look into this for me and see is there a memory leak or something similar?
I'm prepared to try a new µSD or whatever, but there appears to be at least a few of us with similar issues.
Script file attached, hoping it comments enough to allow other/better coders to let them know my thought process.
Regards to all

File Attachment:

File Name: SampleShel...5-24.txt
File Size:5 KB
2 years 4 months ago #83085

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I thought a swap size at least the size of physical memory was needed.
root@:~# free
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 8024804 1759520 230596 690028 6034688 5265496
Swap: 8191996 227072 7964924
2 years 4 months ago #83087

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Can you please annotate your graph: when does drop_caches run? Is it every time the yellow line moves back up? When would KStars crash if drop_caches didn't run? At the bottom of the first downward yellow line?

Also, how much swap space do you have? Is that your issue?


PS Off topic, but instead of µSD, you should definitely consider using an SSD with your RPi4.
2 years 4 months ago #83089

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Thanks Hy,
So plot is the reported stats from the linux FREE command as can be seen in the script (assuing you've looked at it as you mention "drop_caches"
I also attach here the output from the text file, which shows all the data that is plotted:

File Attachment:

File Name: Z_PTS_Log.txt
File Size:5,433 KB

Total number of lines in the file (approx 1 line per second or so) is around 30k.
So the first drop_caches occurs at line ~1930, and how I've recorded this is by outputting string "Iteration %d; Cache memory greater than 75% threshold ( 76.0%). Cleaning memory in system." (search for "iteration" in the text file and we can see 15 occurrances of this - each time we get to a drop_cache, there is a drop in the CACHE memory and rise is the FREE memory - the command in the script does what I needed.
Prior to this addition, Swap would eventually get used until no resources were left and KStars/EKOS would crash, stopping imaging session - the original topic of this discussion.
With the plot, sure enough, we see 15 'jumps' where the cache used is cleared up (cache shown by purple line) - it rises continuously, until cleared.
The yellow FREE plot (again these terms seen in the legend) are the % returned from the "free -w" command in bash) drops until a "drop_caches" when the FREE available jumps up again.

Available swap (unchanged from the OS install) noted at top of the attached file as 99MB. Again, throughout previous tests, swap was used (which from my understanding and eg searching isn't 'ideal', but not disasterous). This latest test requires 0% swap used throughout.
Unfortunately, I've not done any real editing of the graph colours - "SWAP usage" and "FREE memory" are both yellow, but the SWAP stays at 0% usage throughout (look along the Y=0% line).

The HDD is the available space on the µSD which (no surprise) drops constantly from about 82% free to 50% free as the simulation files are written at regular intervals ("exposures" of 2.5 sec)
Not sure what else to comment here - the astroberry OS is a clean install, add on Conky and Anydesk, then running KStars for many imaging sessions etc. When I became adventurous and left the rig overnight and went to bed, I'd get up and things had crashed so I've gone down this debug route.

Prior to the addition of the "drop_caches" syntax, the cache would get used up (see previous posts), I would expect the yellow line would continue to decrease, swap would rise, and things would appear to 'stabilise' here for a period, before yes, KStars would crash.
I'm going to run another test to prove this as I'd updated several times throughout this testing. Essentially it'll be the same output. I'll just comment the "drop_caches" line in the script... Watch this space then!

RE SSD - certainly not against the idea! I did look at SSD, although just at the moment, I've done 3D prints which hold all the RPi, cables, etc, on the mount, so just at this point would rather keep things tidier. But yes, I would still consider SSD! I've also considered moving from astroberry OS to stellarmate OS (stellarmate running on the RPi), and thought that the latter would be the best way to get around this issue, although having discovered the memory issue, feel I can run at least for now with my 'hack'.

Does this help?
I guess I don't want to get bogged down with terms and techy stuff, just that I think I've found an issue that causes my system to crash if not kept in check - are others seeing this? Is this a hardware issue (RPi defective? µSD causing this issue? Older DSLR with latest software? Power instability in the cold? etc!) or software (KStars clashing with Conky/Anydesk? ETC ETC?) What's the root cause is where I'm aiming!

On a last note about the plot - the USED memory (bottom red/pink plot) starts low, then jumps up as KStars/EKOS/Indi is started and the imaging session is started, then stays fairly constant throughout the process, before jumping up a bit more at the end as I start looking at the files and thinking about getting data off for analysis.
2 years 4 months ago #83095

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Colours on graph changed to order in the rainbow scheme. New test still running (crash point never certain, but shows same effect - cache increases as free decreases, and eventually swap gets used.
At this point, I've no idea how long the simulation will continue, other than at some point a crash and stop of acquisition WILL occur.
Also redone the previous text file to show the plots on the same colour scheme.
Without drop_cache:

With drop_cache:
2 years 3 months ago #83113

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These are small systems and there is just a 100k swap file which is next to nothing. Just try creating a 4GB swap partition for the OS to use and see if it helps.
2 years 3 months ago #83124

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The swap in this case appears to be 100mb, not a lot admitted but then some people recommend using no swap and some like me use zram (in memory cache with compression) to avoid slow access to a micro sd card and any deterioration that causes to the card. afaik swap shouldn’t really be needed in this case as at the start everything fits quite happily in ram. Uping to 4gb would probably just mean waiting longer for the crash, maybe that’s enough after all how many pictures can one take in a night…

However I suspect Pete is trying to get to the bottom of why he has crashes rather than take quite so many pictures. Pete did you get anywhere with using gdb? Have you tried using one of the memory check widgets in Qtcreator? Might be worth a trawl of some linux forums to see if others are running into similar problems with other programs since it seems strange to use swap to hold stuff forced out by buffer cache perhaps the swap aggression settings need changing.
2 years 3 months ago #83139

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Thanks again guys, Coming back to original question, why are things crashing - Nigel catches this in the above post correctly! My own 'memory monitor' script fix/hack should now allow me to avoid the crash issue, but ultimately, I still haven't got to the bottom of the crashing EKOS.
If more swap should be required, astroberry should probably do this at time of install with etcher or however. The basic install using etcher has (I believe?) done all the memory allocation for me so the small swap I'd guess is the default. If it is astroberry doing this, maybe it would look at the size of the µSD and 'smartly' allocate memory? Is it this reason astroberry minimum is 16GB with 32GB recommended? If it allocates 4GB swap on a 16GB card, 7 with OS, then that's not really going to handle lots of imaging time! :lol: :lol: :lol: Again, not a computer guru but happy to dig around in my own time, and from reading around, the use of swap does appear to provoke 'try best to avoid' reactions.
Nigel, sods law, the last test with no drop_cache is still running, which if I was imaging, wouldn't be an issue! (36hrs+ without crash). So much for trying to show the crash on the memory graph! I'm pretty sure the crash is down to this memory thing, so happy that I've at least raised the issue and at the very least, your 1st post also told me you were seeing the same effect on cache and free!
gdb got skipped till now, sorry Nigel. I skipped this as I'd just discovered the drop_cache idea, so gdb will be next. I'll also browse around to see about swap agression.
Anyway, I'll do some more tests and just keep popping results here, but I'd hope (come September/October) when the nights are longer that I can do more imaging and confirm that at least the drop_cache will work, giving me what will be my first full night of imaging (previous sessions I've packed up before bed in the wee hours, or crashes each night when leaving things out overnight)!
Thanks again for comments
2 years 3 months ago #83141

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2 years 3 months ago #83471

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Do you see similar python messages in the log file?
Dec 02 21:31:31 astroberry python3[1047]: swig/python detected a memory leak of type 'INDI::BaseDevice:cheekyroperties *', no destructor found.
2 years 3 months ago #83541

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