Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

I have checked before, and I do have 16 bit set in the control panel, but still only have 8 bit on the recording. Looking in the INDI code, I found these three places where it is mentioned:

Could the cause of my issue be that my recorder does not support 16 bit ?


Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hello all,

I am facing another issue with the SER format, in that I can't seem to record streams with a higher resolutions than 8 bits per pixel. Even when I try "forcing" an 16 bit resolution in my python script, the SER file is 8 bit. The FITS file, however, is 16 bits so I'm sure the setting is correct. Can SER files created with INDI not support 16 bit resolution?


Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

I had indeed forgotten to check that the GPS was locked. I tried it again today making sure the GPS was locked, and the timestamps, both on FITS files and SER files, are the GPS's!

Thank you so much for your help!!


Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago


I finally had the chance to compile. I first had an issue when trying to execute the make command, but I added the mentions of the OpenCV librairies in the branch's CMakeLists.txt file (github.com/nouspiro/indi-3rdparty/blob/f...i-qhy/CMakeLists.txt), like they are in the master's (github.com/indilib/indi-3rdparty/blob/ma...i-qhy/CMakeLists.txt). And then I was able to compile.

However, I now have an issue with the timestamp. Where I used to have the timestamp of the Raspberry Pi, the timestamp of the SER file now dates back to October 10th 1995. Any idea how to fix this? Could the problem come from my CCD's GPS that I would need to reconfigure somehow?

Thanks in advance!


Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

I will try this asap, thank you so much for your help!


Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

As for the FITS format having the same problem, I have no idea.
Since the problem could come from the fact that the StreamManager class does not include a part where the GPS timestamp is retrieved, it seems to be linked only to the stream. I could imagine it possible that that functionality was already included in the "one-time" pictures equivalent of StreamManager.


Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

I am in fact doing asteroid occultations, yes! Thanks for sharing what you did, I will see if it applies.
I saw from the QHYCCD SDK documentation that "the camera records the GPS information and insert into each frame's head." So it would seem that the images the camera sends to INDI contains the exact GPS timing, but INDI then overwrites it (or simply ignores it) in favor of the PC timestamp. If I understand correctly, when INDI saves the images, the GPS timing isn't saved with it because the header is changed to INDI's. So I don't think I could read the original timestamp on the image ://

I am not all that familiar with C++, unfortunately so I can't be trusted with modifying the StreamManager class.. If anyone were to look into it I'd be super grateful.


Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

I did not know SER had the timing for all frames, thank you.
My problem here is that I need the exact timing (to the millisecond) for all frames, and I need the timing to be that of the camera's GPS, and not of the computer on which I launch the INDI client.
Is that the case for the timing given by the SER format? If so, problem solved!


Julie replied to the topic 'Acquition time too long' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi !

I seem to have the same problem, only the blobEvent.wait() doesn't take 500ms for me, but it goes on forever just like an endless loop..
Also, this problem seems to come and go, and I can never understand why, or what has changed for it to suddenly work again.
Were you ever able to fix your long acquisition problem ?

Thanks !



Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

After checking on a stream I'd already captured, I found out that I could actually have a stream of up to 50 FPS.
I don't need that many FPS, a rate of 20 or 30 FPS would be perfectly fine if it made it possible for me to save the stream as fits files.


Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

The best I could get running the stream with Ekos was 3.9 FPS, actually, even after changing the exposure.
Is it a limitation due to the camera, or is there a property other than the exposure that can be changed to get a better speed ?


Julie created a new topic ' Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi all!

Is there a way for a stream captured by a CCD camera to be saved to a series of .fits images (one image per frame) and not a video? That way I could have the exact timing and conditions for each frame of the stream and not just the first frame.
The INDI control panel only offers SER and OGV formats.



Julie replied to the topic 'Is there a FITS format for a stream ?' in the forum. 2 years ago

The camera I am using is a QHY174 GPS.
I tried to do short exposures but I couldn't get it to do better than approximately 1 frame per second..


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    30. 01. 2000
  • About me
    Working on asteroid occultations and trying to record them using indi and a QHY CCD camera