Karas replied to the topic 'Omegon Pro / Touptek drivers' in the forum. 11 months ago

Noctutec camera is compatible with ToupTek driver. Comfirmed.


Karas replied to the topic 'Omegon VTEC 571' in the forum. 11 months ago

This flat bug should be fixed with the latest driver update. still waiting for the newest commit to be merged into master.


Karas replied to the topic 'Omegon Pro / Touptek drivers' in the forum. 1 year ago

Sorry for the late reply. I still can't get used to opening the forum every day, and I have been busy recently. I am so sorry.

So yes, based on the info, your cam is an older version and the whole system went off when CAMERA_STOP or switch resolution is called.

Maybe when INDI starts triggering, it would call switch resolution, even if it is the same resolution but the procedure would call the CAMERA_STOP.
Or maybe after the sub is finished, INDI would call CAMERA_STOP to put it to reset mode.

Neither of them is necessary if the user does not switch the resolution.


Karas replied to the topic 'Omegon Pro / Touptek drivers' in the forum. 1 year ago

I thought offset adjustment was a new feature and the camera only had 31 ADU maximum. I do now know why you could set it to 256. Maybe it is a software offset. because the sensor can only support up to 4095 from 65535 at 16-bit mode.


Karas replied to the topic 'Omegon Pro / Touptek drivers' in the forum. 1 year ago

When did you purchase the camera?

if all SYS, TEC, and FAN LED lights are off for a few seconds, it is more likely to be CAMERA_CLOSE being triggered.


Karas replied to the topic 'Omegon Pro / Touptek drivers' in the forum. 1 year ago

short exposure means the sensor is working at high frequency so the temperature rises for sure.

My suggestion is always to use the lowest temp @ short exposure working state as the temperature limit for your entire shooting session.

But your method is also very good.


Karas replied to the topic 'Touptek Camera SDK Major Update' in the forum. 2 years ago

Please remember heater has level 0(OFF) 1 2 3 4


Karas replied to the topic 'Touptek Camera SDK Major Update' in the forum. 2 years ago

the heater has its own function. But I think you could add it in when connect the camera


Karas replied to the topic 'Touptek Camera SDK Major Update' in the forum. 2 years ago

I think HFW makes sense and it makes the button looks clean :D


Karas replied to the topic 'Touptek Camera SDK Major Update' in the forum. 2 years ago

Build on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS with INDI Library: 2.0.0 and Kstars 3.6.3 and it is OK.

I think if there is an issue with SDK it is probably not the high full well capacity mode function. Our guess is the compatibility of the SDK, unfortunately, we could not reproduce the crash.

If anyone could provide detailed instructions on building the newest INDI library it would be really helpful. :D


Karas replied to the topic 'Touptek Camera SDK Major Update' in the forum. 2 years ago

I could provide the OEM branded SDK later.


Karas replied to the topic 'Touptek Camera SDK Major Update' in the forum. 2 years ago

It's an ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS intel x64 system + INDI 2.0.0 version + Kstars nightly 3.6.3. It is working fine and here is the screenshot.

We will try on 22.04 later.

If there is anything that we do wrong, please let me know.


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    11. 01. 1940
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    Karas from ToupTek