I learned some CMake and Make, and solved my problem. I thought I would post my solution here, in case anyone else is interested in using a Pololu Tic circuit board to control a stepper motor with INDI. I added a FindPololuTic.cmake file and updated the CMakeLists.txt, see the files attached.
Happy making and clear skies!

File Attachment:

File Name: CMakeLists.txt
File Size: 2 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: FindPololuTic.cmake.txt
File Size: 2 KB


Hi INDI friends,
I am an INDI and Stellarmate fan and beginner, and I am trying to write my first driver for a DIY go-to mount. This is also my first post to the forum, so I apologize if this is not the right place for it, and for the basic/ignorant basic question.

I was able to follow all the steps in the very helpful INDI technical documentation:
It was super clear and detailed, thank you for it! I now need my telescope driver to control my stepper motors, via a Pololu Tic board, which comes with a very complete C++ library (as well as a command line tool, C, Python and Ruby libraries).

I have no trouble controlling my stepper motors with the standalone C++ code example here
which simply includes the "tic.hpp" header file with
#include <tic.hpp>
and successfully compiles as
g++ code.cpp $(pkg-config libpololu-tic-1 --cflags --libs)

However, I do not know how to do the same linking in my INDI driver. I assume I should modify the file "CMakeLists.txt" and create a "FindTIC.cmake" file in the directory cmake_modules? I do not know cmake and am unsure how to do this. Would anyone have advice for me on how to do this?

On this forum, I found this awesome DIY focuser which also uses a Pololu Tic stepper motor controller:
but I wasn't able to figure out from the code how this was solved there.

I'm attaching photos of my DIY go-to mount prototype :) Thank you for reading and for any help or thoughts you may have! Happy holidays!


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    04. 08. 1989
  • About me
    I am a beginner astrophotographer, learning to use INDI and Stellarmate, and trying to develop an INDI driver for a DIY go-to mount.