Paul J. Camp replied to the topic 'installing indi_ardust' in the forum. 2 years ago

There are a TON of included headers that are not included in either the INDI distribution or the indi-ardust distribution. I found 26 of them. I had to make a directory /usr/include/libindi/ and put all 26 in there. When I did that, make ran-ish. But it noticed in most of the header files missing characters, improper variable names, undeclared variable names, classes with no members, and, well, several pages of error output that I didn't want to wade through in detail because I'm only a sometime programmer, not an expert.

Getting the mount to talk to Ekos is (I think) the last step in getting the observatory read to polar align and use. I say "I think" because this has been a months long process of trying things, seeing how they fail, and figuring out a solution. I think I've reached the end of my ability to do that. I have a USB to ST4 interface that needs the indiardust driver. The indiardust driver will not make.

Does anyone know how to actually install indi-ardust? I'm at my wits end.